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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 10 hours ago, Firoj1 said:


    before like some weeks i was offering my job (skripting) on #marketplace in minehut discord.

    every-time i did that i got muted, until i got muted forever https://speedtest.vet/

    hope you will see it and fix your bot https://vidmate.bid/

    my discord is yuvalviz#2770 pls unmute me.

    1. if you get muted for saying it, why do you continue to say it...
    2. why the speedtest and vidmate links
    3. what was the reason you were muted

  2. 1 hour ago, LOLOLOL232131 said:

    I agree with your opinions. These type of server is boring. I want to make a hcf server but minehut doesn't support custom spigot fork (These fork are important cause they contain essential thing like PotionEffectEvent, iHCF, and native 1.7 - 1.8 Support) so my idea die out. It is hard to find a good faction server on minehut or maybe just 1.8 pvp based.

    minehut will most likely never add custom forks that players can add, though i cant complain about that, could be bad if they did.

  3. 13 hours ago, Punish said:

    Captain America Reaction GIF

    see you again somewhere, solider


    5 hours ago, Gam3rBoi said:

    They just pay people to advertise. I have the same issue. I am hoping to build a community for my server, but my 1 free advertiser (PRO) and myself (VIP) peaked the server at 8 people yesterday, including me, my alt, and my advertiser.

    Just proving that Minehut is even more pay-2-win.

    6 hours ago, Checkmate128 said:

    I can relate to the struggle of promoting a server. I have a rank but either my ads are bad or my luck is bad. Or I don’t have enough accounts because most of the top servers must have like 20 patron accounts lol.  

    I feel the same way with advertising.

  4. Hello Minehut Community,

    You may know me as AgentGamerPro. I used to be really active on the forums, answering questions from others, and having a great time. But now I haven't been nearly as active as I have been before. I've been going back to Hypixel, playing mainly skyblock and skywars. There is a number of reasons why I haven't been on. I'm going to focus on 2 topics this post.

    I. The Trends of Servers
    It's not the people I hate, it's the trends they hop onto. Minehuts top servers usually fit into one of three types of servers (not including networks) Gen servers, box servers, and mining servers. Some of these servers can be really good, and sometimes, even unique. But in the end, they still are just the same kind of server. Gens, Boxes, And Mining. And yes, I know, there are many other Minehut servers out there that aren't like this, but only so many. The 3 types of servers I described are great, but after seeing so many they get boring, and I'm not the kind of person to stick to a server with many clones of the same type. People like their own things, and that's great. I'm not saying that it's all bad, it's just that it gets boring.


    II. The Advertisement System
    Let's say you joined Minehut for the first time and created your own server for others to join. You make a really good game with the potential of being its own network. You go to the lobby to advertise but since you don't have a rank, you can't use colors. And as the advertisement is sent to everyone it gets overflown by the huge messages with colorful and bold lettering, with your advertisement only showing on a screen for less than 3 seconds. Now while I did make a section about this, I do think that this is the best way right now for the advertisement system. Although I made this section because messages are finite, and rarely seen. With the limited number of characters you get, and with no coloring since you have no rank, it almost makes you think that Minehut can be pay-2-win in some instances. If you buy a rank, you can use colors and special effects to get more players on your server. This is unfair to people who can't afford ranks. (Yes, I have pro rank and yes, I speak for the non-ranked.)


    I may come back to Minehut someday, when the trends die down, whenever that will be. You may see me on sometimes, and that's because I'm on a friend's server. If you do see me, say hi.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 4
  5. 13 hours ago, TaceonGT said:

    That's what I thought.


    Guys, watch out for Es2205. He's handing out Skripts that contain viruses.

    wrong. I checked the files myself and they dont contain any viruses inside. Run it through https://www.virustotal.com and youll see this:


    its a .txt file how tf would you think its a virus...

    Next time, check if its actually a virus before complaining because chrome flagged it.

  6. 22 hours ago, Midnight_Hurricane said:

    Version 1.12.2 forge, tried rejoin

    I saw a lot of other post saying that captcha dissapear in lower versions, so how im I going to captcha then? Any solutions?

    Screenshot (67).png

    go to a higher version...

  7. 11 hours ago, Turbo32 said:

    Hi, I've encountered this error today, and I can't find a way to solve it. When I reload the skript file, there's a red error coming out of the console (https://pastebin.com/DPzyERXs). Can you please help me? Thanks!

    every second:
    	loop all players:
    		message "hi" to loop-player

    This is a very basic skript and I don't know why it doesn't work...

    try "send" instead of "message". if that doesnt work then i donno

  8. On 2/3/2022 at 8:14 AM, Greennij8 said:

    to me happend this right now and i have screenshots, nobody except me is (or was) online in the last 6 hours and the only person who can use the console is me.

    (You can ignore the summoning gold boss message, im learning skript)


    lmao it reads "any australians in chat?"

  9. On 2/3/2022 at 3:29 AM, Datboi_HD said:

    can minehut add an option to change the world from paper to vanilla, paper messes up alot of farms that i cant build

    that is a option...

  10. On 2/1/2022 at 9:20 AM, Maddog63 said:

    Exactly the same with my server.

    Console says "server.jar" is missing that´s why it can`t start.


    Help Please!

    Your server.jar file is missing from your server. Best to contact support at minehut.com/support/form

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