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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. On 4/20/2022 at 4:10 PM, catfish32 said:

    They probably don't make a lot of money, considering how little players minehut allows the servers to hold,  but I am interested to see if its enough to make SOME profit.

    So... how much did you make?

    1 dollar?
    100 dollars?

    Some guy told me a generator server could make 10,000 USD, which, DEFINITELY is not true, but hey, I can hope it is.

    i made 200 USD from a semi-popular server that got an upwards of 30 people.

  2. 16 minutes ago, eventlack said:

    So it's spring break where I am and I wanted to build a minecraft server for the kids.

    (I have done sys admin for years but i have never used this app before.)

    So I created a Ubuntu 20.04 server loaded, Bedrock server on to it.


    I can now log in and play with my kids but now they want to open the server to the outside world so they can play with their cousins and friends.


    is there any guides out there on how to securely setup the server? I don't want people to join that are not people we know, as well as me being the i think the term is OP so people can't change game modes on my kids.


    Any help with this would greatly be appreciated!!!


    EDIT: Just read that your using bedrock. You might need to use "allowlist" instead of "whitelist" in your commands.

    The term "OP" means operator, meaning you have full access to any commands available.

    As long as no one else has operator they can't change your kids gamemode.

    There is a way to allow certain people to join. I'm like 99% sure it will work although since I've never used something called "Ubuntu" I'm not certain.

    If you don't have operator access already, type "op <Your Game Name>" inside the console, wherever that may be.

    Next go in game and type "/whitelist on". This should turn on whitelist. Note that you aren't automatically added to the whitelist. To add players to your whitelist do "/whitelist add <Player Game Name>". For any more information regarding whitelisting, you can go here: Commands/whitelist – Minecraft Wiki (fandom.com)

    I'm fairly active on the forums so let me know if you have any questions.

  3. 20 hours ago, Checkmate128 said:

    This post was posted now in the current universe on our current planet from my current phone using my current internet connection because currently I am bored. 

    in the span of the infinite universes that surround our own in the multiverse there is one where in the said universe of the said planet of the said phone on the said internet connection that your post will be missing a period at the end.

  4. mh-banner-blue.png?width=1200&height=181

    Common Questions

    I noticed a lot of people asking the same questions over and over again, so I wanted to make this, o it helps out some people with their common questions (at least a little bit)


    How Do I OP Myself?
    Go to minehut.com and start your server. Once it's running join the server with the given IP. Go back to the website and find the console tab. Once there, type "op <In Game Name>" You do not need to add a '/' at the beginning of a console command.

    How Do I Add A Plugin?
    There are 2 ways to do this, but first make sure you have your server as paper, spigot, or anything else that supports plugins. You can use the Minehut shop to find any plugins, then go to the addons tab in your server to install. But this becomes tedious when you want plugins they don't have, and having to restart after every plugin gets annoying. I prefer the second way, which is going to SpigotMC, downloading all the plugins you want, and adding them to the plugins folder in the file manager.

    Can I Join Using TLauncher?
    No, and likely you never will be able to. Minehut doesn't allow cracked accounts. Your best shot is to purchase the actual game.

    My Server Shuts Down After 5 Minutes, How Do I Fix?
    If no one is online the server after 5 minutes, your server will automatically shut down. The only exception to this is servers with the MHUnlimited plan.

    I Can't Join My Server!
    Check the following:
    Are you in the right Minecraft version?
    Are you whitelisted (If the server is whitelisted)?
    Are you blacklisted/banned?
    If your answer to all of these (except the last one) is yes, then check your server logs. If you can't understand them, then send it in the 'help' category.

    My Server Crashed, What Do I Do?
    The first thing you should do is check your server logs when it crashes. There should be a fatal error at the end or near the end of the log. Again, if you can't understand them, then send it in the 'help' category.

    How Do I Add Server Advertisement Rewards?
    Sadly, Minehut banned this a while ago, and advertisement rewards will likely get your account banned.

    • Like 2
  5. On 4/17/2022 at 7:50 PM, belac136 said:

    So I have my server on 1.17.1, and I have skript installed.

    But for some reason, when I try to install Skellet or TuSKe, all of my previous skript commands, that worked before, don't exist.

    I do not get any errors when I reload the skript, and there is nothing wrong in my console, but when I try the commands, it just says:

    "Unknown command. Type "/help" for help."

    If anyone knows how to fix this please help. This happens on both paper and spigot server type. I believe the addons are causing this problem, but forked TuSKe works fine.

    2.6.1 doesnt work sometimes.

    If you're using old plugins that you had before 2.6, it's possible youll need to update those plugins too.

  6. 54 minutes ago, HunterJason said:

    Ok, so i recently made a minehut server and made a house. I placed down the the bed and to my surprise, later when i fell down a ravine, i respawned back at the world's default spawn that i set. any ideas?

    is your bed obstructed?

    did you right click the bed?

  7. 17 minutes ago, Hacker906009 said:

    sorry i dont know 

    if you dont know why respond

    18 hours ago, Ultimateswordsman7 said:

    so I was in a anarchy server in Minehut where hacking was allowed but then I was kicked, (I don't know why) and since I was hacking in Minehut which isn't allowed I got banned forever can someone please help unban me somehow. It also says I was banned forever for bot raiding, I think that's spamming but all I did was fly hacking in the anarchy server not spam so I don't know what's going on. 



    appeal here

  8. On 4/10/2022 at 4:38 PM, 8pixel said:

    The numerical IP isn't in the minehut dashboard, so that's why I'm asking how. It shouldn't be possible, but somehow they did it.

    tf is a numerical IP

  9. 11 hours ago, 8pixel said:

    Have you even tried using votifier? You need the numerical IP and port for the server so it works, not helping.

    the port is 25565 im pretty sure

  10. 14 hours ago, WhenUInfectUNoob said:

    Yeah, Minehut is TOO strict. I got a 6 hours mute few days ago for ''my fking server takes long to start up''. Bro, what does the staff even care, it's just a little bit of swearing. It's kinda human to swear after something goes wrong. What do ya even care mods I think then. It's pretty annoying. 

    I also remember the fact I got muted for 6 hours or something half a year ago because I was bored and decided to say "What server is owned by a nice girl? <3" which was apparantly inappropriate behavior xD. 

    another reason why i quit minehut lol

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