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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 13 hours ago, Toraye_ said:

    So when i join minehunt bedrock it says flying is not enabled and it kicks me so i cant play on it pls fix it

    minehut is very much aware of this bug as it is impacting all bedrock players. (to my knowledge)

  2. 16 hours ago, PureEditsOYT said:
    command clearchat:
        description: Clear chat for all players
        aliases: cc
        permission: cc.clear
            loop 300 times:
                broadcast " "
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
            broadcast "&b&lChat has been cleared by %player%!"
            broadcast "&6&m-----------------------------------------"
    command staffchat [<text>]:
        aliases: sc
            if player has permission "staffchat.use":
                if arg-1 is not set:
                    send "&a&fUse: &c&l/staffchat&f (message)"
                if arg-1 is set:
                    loop all players:
                        loop-player has permission "staffchat.view":
                            send "&8[&bSC&8] &6%player%&8: &f%{_msg}%" to loop-players
                send "&cYou don't have permissions" to player

    the clearchat command will spam console, instead you should use 'send " " to all players'

  3. 27 minutes ago, Frydex said:

    So I've been stumped. I want it to be if you have an iron pickaxe (or above) you'll get the diamond drop the problem is it's not letting me use else. and you can use a stone pickaxe & wooden pickaxe to still get it.

    on break of diamond ore:
        clear drops
        if player's held item is iron pickaxe or diamond pickaxe or netherite pickaxe:
        add diamond to player's inventory
        (doesn't let me use else)
        send "You do not have the correct pickaxe level"

    You didn't indent it correctly, so it won't let you use the "else:"

  4. 3 hours ago, Bluephoenixx said:

    When I try joining it let's me in but every 5 seconds it kicks me from the lobby and sends me to another one it says because I'm flying but I cant even move 

    This is a current bug with minehut right now

  5. 6 hours ago, CzarShark said:

    I love the minehut server parkour but i always wonder if there is a world record, i was able to finish the colorfull one in 47.5s so 

    you caan find records on the minehut discord

  6. 1 hour ago, Magicapple98647 said:

    I bought the MH20 plan because of the deal. It says that I have the plan on the control panel but when I join it only has 10 player slots and 1 gig of ram plz help me resolve this issue.

    you have to restart the server.

  7. 8 hours ago, ApexSplat said:
    command /slowchat:
            if player has permission "skript.slowchat":
                if {slowchat} isn't set:
                    set {slowchat} to true
                    broadcast "&a&lSlowchat has been enabled!"
                delete {slowchat}
                broadcast "&c&lSlowchat has been disabled!"
    on chat:
        if {slowchat} is true:
            if {slowchat::%player%} is set:
                send "&cYou can send a message again in %{slowchat::%player%}% &cseconds!"
                if player has permission "group.staff": # change this to a permission staff have if you want them to bypass slowchat as well
                    set chat format to "%player's display name%"
                if player has permission "group.lord":
                    set chat format to "%player's display name%"
                else if player has permission "group.mvp":
                    set chat format to "%player's display name%"
                    set {slowchat::%player%} to 2
                    loop 2 times:
                        wait 1 second
                        remove 1 from {slowchat::%player%}
                    delete {slowchat::%player%}
                else if player has permission "group.vip":
                    set chat format to "%player's display name%"
                    set {slowchat::%player%} to 2
                    loop 2 times:
                        wait 1 second
                        remove 1 from {slowchat::%player%}
                    delete {slowchat::%player%}
                else if player has permission "group.default":
                    set chat format to "%player's display name%"
                    set {slowchat::%player%} to 5
                    loop 5 times:
                        wait 1 second
                        remove 1 from {slowchat::%player%}
                    delete {slowchat::%player%}


    if you set the chat format to "%player's display name%" it will only show their name and not the actual message

  8. 12 minutes ago, LovedRoses said:

    I recently upgraded by server plan, its suppose to have 20 people in it now and I waited the hour and its still only allowing 10 people, i've restarted it and shut it down help please


    In the settings tab on the server, scroll down to server properties. Change the player count from 10 to 20, save, and restart.

  9. 1 hour ago, EmptyRooms_ said:


    ``command /test:


    send "test"``


    Its not working it says that its not a name or value so can someone help fix this skript or know why it isnt working


    check if everything is indented correctly

  10. 31 minutes ago, EmptyRooms_ said:

    i downloaded some plugins and after i go on the server it doesnt show up i have the jar files in file manager but no folders of the plugins not even the plugins are working its in the current version all of my plugins are on spigot because i have a spigot server just the same plugins in my plugin list does anyone know why its like this?

    are you running spigot plugins?

  11. 2 hours ago, OhReao said:

    idk if you want to do this or know 

    But if you can Please make a grappling hook skript when someone right clicks a fishing rod and then after they reel it in it lanches them to it 

    make your own post about this and not on someone elses post. (unless its a "making free skripts" post)

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