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Posts posted by Pryzmm


    4 hours ago, eystreemsfan620 said:

    Some idiot named urtriggerd had op perms on my server and he greifed my entire minehut server how do i report him.he has absolutly ruined my server deop me and my friends and ban me i pardond myself.he also ban my friends. 


    what once was a server no more





    Screenshot 2022-05-19 173109.jpg

    dont op someone you dont trust.

    Check if your most recent backup reverts it all.

  1. 18 hours ago, ProfCube said:

    @Pix3lPanos here is the code, you will need the following plugins:

    • Skript
    • Skript-gui

    Hopefully this suffice the need that you wanted 😄 I tested this in 1.18.2 I was not able to do the sneak, but was able to do the right click.

    	GUI: &c&lSHOP
    # Avariables:
    #	{item_amount} = 10
    command /setnpc:
    	permission: npc.create
    		spawn 1 villager at location of player
    		set name of last spawned entity to "{@GUI}"
    		apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
    		set {npc} to location of player
    command /kill:
    	permission: npc.kill
    		loop all entities:
    			name of loop-entity contains "{@GUI}"
    			kill loop-entity
    every second:
    	loop all entities:
    		name of loop-entity contains "{@GUI}"
    		teleport loop-entity to {npc}
    on damage:
    	name of victim contains "{@GUI}"
    	cancel event
    on right click on entity:
    	name of clicked entity contains "{@GUI}"
    	if {spam::%player%} is true:
    		send "&cPlease dont spam the npc" to player
    		set {spam::%player%} to true
    		mShop(player, "shop")
    		wait 1 second
    		set {spam::%player%} to false	
    on death:
    	set {spam::%victim%} to false
    on join:
    	set {spam::%player%} to false	
    function mShop(p: player, m: text):
    	if {_m} is "shop":
    		create a gui with virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&c&lHermes Speed Shop":
    			make gui slot 13 with speed potion named "&b&lHermes":
    				set {_d} to amount of diamonds in player's inventory
    				if {_d} >= 10:
    					remove 10 diamonds from {_p}'s inventory
    					give 1 potions of swiftness named "&b&lHermes" to {_p}
    					if {_d} <= 10:
    						send "&cYou don't have enought Diamonds"
    		open last gui to {_p}


    isnt normal skript metadata tag effects better than skript-gui addon?

  2. 1 hour ago, stephaniestoltz said:

    So i've had this server for quite some time now and today when i was connecting this came up. The problem is that no matter what i do, it wont go away and that results in not being able to connect to my own server and play. 
    Does anyone know what i have to do?unknown.png

    you gotta disable your resource packs

  3. On 5/15/2022 at 1:39 PM, borderpatrol78 said:

    hey anyone here in the community that can make a dayz skript

    i'm willing to pay 10$ paypal

    skript needs

    * possible bleeding or infected when hit by a zombie

    * possible broken legs when falling from a hight

    * bandage for healing up

    * splint for broken legs

    * cure if infected

    * zombies take no damage in daytime 

    * zombies are a little bit faster

    * zombies are able to brake wooden doors

    english is not my first lang

    for zombies to break wooden doors the server difficulty needs to be "Hard"

  4. 5 hours ago, AnderzPlayzz said:

    Sorry to say this, but this is a minecraft forum and if you would like advice, ask some of your friends. we are here just to be gamers and all.

    its in off-topic its fine

    On 5/16/2022 at 2:25 PM, eventlack said:

    I was gifted some waist beads by a former teacher. She knows I am going through a hard time and she told me that these beads would help me get more in touch with my feminine nature and would make me feel more secure and confident in myself. We shared a really special moment where she filled me in on the cultural and spiritual significance of the beads while she tied them onto me. She is a black woman and I am a white woman. Recently I had someone call me out for being white and having waist beads. I feel as though I am wearing them out of a place of respect and I am not just wearing them as a piece of jewelry african waist beads. Am I in the wrong here? I don’t want to be disrespectful at all, but since these were such a special gift with so much love and support attached to them, I don’t feel as though it’s so wrong to continue to wear them.

    You shouldnt care about what other people think you should wear.

  5. 33 minutes ago, JesusQT said:

    I took this RGB skript from AgentGamerPro.
    But it doesn't work. It says only 1 line is wrong. And idk why. It says line 5 is wrong, when I reload the skript into mc. 
    Can someone help me.
    (All credit goes to AgentGamerPro for the cool skript)

    message (1).txt 4.38 kB · 3 downloads

    Id love to take the credit, but i rly can only take about 10% of the credit. Sorbon made the actual functions.

    As for the skript not loading, are you using skript 2.6? Ive seen skript 2.6 cause many issues on minehut. If that's the case, try updating to 2.6.1. What also might be the case is that you're using an outdated skript version.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kyzrobyte said:

    I own a free Minehut server with a bunch of plugins (See attached images) for me and my friends to play on. They've all come to me with complaints over the last few weeks about being unable to join the server because they'd just be stuck in the lobbies, I've tried restarting the server in the dashboard to no avail, it just goes offline once someone attempts to join it. I've tried joining myself to try find a way to get in, but i kept getting redirected to the lobby. I would love for an explanation on why this was happening and how to fix it. 

    The server IP is "t1gsmp6.minehut.gg"

    Hope I made my problem clear, and thanks for reading. 

    I have attached all the installed plugins below.

    Screenshot 2022-05-15 at 17.08.42.png

    Screenshot 2022-05-15 at 17.08.54.png

    send the server logs after your friends try to join.


    6 hours ago, NotPixelz said:

    I try to place commandblocks and it doesn't work. I have them enabled I also setblocked a command block but it didnt work when i right clicked so i destroyed that. What is happening?

    Restart your server to save settings.

    Make sure you're in creative and opped.

  7. 3 hours ago, Tekka1 said:

    I just want an answer why this is happening/if this is an ongoing issue. I asked the same thing in the Discord and pinged an admin but I got literally attacked saying this was a useless topic and then muted for it so I don't know what to do at this point,

    Minehut admins dont know how to code their websites properly

  8. 2 hours ago, gatokabby said:

    Hi so I put a resource pack into my server. My friend got on and downloaded the pack in the server, after awhile I decided that I want to remove it. Went and deleted it off from the panel on the minehut website. But for some reason for my friend, the resource pack is still applied and he can't do anything to get rid of it. On his resource pack screen in Minecraft, the pack is called world specific resources and he can't click on it or get rid of it. I even downloaded a new pack for the server but the same one I first used is still applied for him. I don't know what the issue is. 😞

    check your server.properties file and see if "resource-pack:" is set

  9. 4 hours ago, ItsLinked said:

    Earlier today everything was fine, I was playing on a friend's server like usual. However later in the day when I started up my launcher, hit multiplayer, it says there's no connection for any of the minehut servers I had saved. It forever says pinging on all of them and when I click it it say "failed to connect to server". Is minehut down for the time being?

    nice copy paste btw


    Minehut has been down for a couple times today, but it seems to be fine now.

  10. 1 hour ago, camilof said:

    I start my server then join it. Starts loading and then its half a blackscreen loading where I am. Then it says server closed in chat and kicks me and closes the server. Pls help.

    send logs

  11. 16 hours ago, xNightftx said:

    Someone said,” say I love children in minehut chat for a god set in agcbox.” And I literally said it since I rushed through it and I never knew it would get me banned I was an idiot who said it I just want an unban because I really love minehut And played it for 1 and half years But I rushed and said I love children but I really am not a harassing guy I would never ever say that but if you could please unban me

    Submit a request – Minehut (zendesk.com)

  12. 3 hours ago, kaiZo5 said:

    My skript just stopped working after I swapped versions and back. every time I try to use a command, it just says /skript help, and I use that, and the same message appears.

    is your skript version 2.6.1? Skript 2.6.1 can be really buggy sometimes.

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