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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 18 hours ago, SneakyNinja_11 said:

    I was on my server with my friends playing on hacked clients messing with chat in our private server, i enabled spam by accident and before i could toggle it off i got kicked for spamming into hub and i couldnt leave because of how fast it was and i got perm banned

    user: sneakyninja_11





    1. This is not the right place to post ban appeals from Minehut

    2. Do what it says, go to minehut.com/support nerd

  2. 12 hours ago, Unique_Space said:

    Hello, I installed movecraft two separate ways to my server (not two of the same plugin installed) and it still does not work. If anyone here uses movecraft in their minehut servers, did you have any issues with it? Is it dependent on other plugins?  


  3. 4 hours ago, Vcnet said:

    Transferring credits to Minehut accounts with a plugin like buycraft but for minehut credits. For people who can't access paypal it would be very useful to have this feature. My question is: Is minehut currently working on this or is this already a thing?

    Minehut will never add this unfortunatly, just lettin ya know.

  4. 1 hour ago, NobleCola said:

    Thank you! the thing is though I've never played this seed before. I don't use the multiverse plugin but I will delete the nether. Will this alter the nether regeneration or will it still have the same structure as the seed? 

    Im pretty sure when you change the overworld /seed without deleting the nether world the nether seed will be the same seed as the old world.

  5. 15 hours ago, painskull21 said:

    my free server keeps closing by itself even though I'm online. Can I fix it somehow or is that happening because of something out of my control?

    send the logs

  6. 17 hours ago, NobleCola said:

    I recently reset the world seed for my Minehut server. Everything has been fine until I have managed to go to the nether. About 30-40 blocks away from my nether portal I had found multiple nether wood placed down and a different portal. I gave myself operator and then went into spectator mode where I found more building blocks already placed. Bridges with different types of wood were placed. I even went as far to try out the seed in a solo Minecraft world. No blocks were found already placed down here. Can someone help me figure this all out? Has this seed already been used before? 

    *EDIT* The seed is 6591279880162657090


    *Note* This picture shows the already prebuilt blocks and nether portal. image.thumb.png.94565719d18038db234167e5ebeabd7c.pngimage.thumb.png.8d95ba0f2a2c6951812ae5c3870f8f2a.png

    Delete the nether world in your file manager and let it regenerate via restart.

    If you have multiverse then its possible that it will regenerate the world from its last saved point. In that case you delete the world in your file manager, then go to the world file in your multiverse plugin and delete it from there too.

  7. 18 hours ago, MarkusWWWW said:


    So basically if 20 players are detected standing on a diamond block
    It will display in chat/action bar how many players there are currently
    then itll play a sound (idrc whatever you want)
    and teleport 50% of players to 0 60 0 the other 50% will be tped to 1 80 1

    Untested but parsed in parser.skunity.com


    	world: world
    every 10 ticks:
    	loop all players where [block below input is a diamond block]:
    		add loop-player to {_list::*}
    	send action bar "&6Players Waiting: &e&l%size of {_list::*}%" to {_list::*}
    	if size of {_list::*} = 20:
    		set {_index} to 1
    		loop {_list::*}:
    			if {_index} is 1:
    				set {_index} to 0
    				add (loop-value parsed as player) to {_group1::*}
    				add 1 to {_index}
    				add (loop-value parsed as player) to {_group2::*}
    		teleport {_group1::*} to location(0, 60, 0, world("{@world}"))
    		teleport {_group2::*} to location(1, 80, 1, world("{@world}"))
    		play sound "entity.firework_rocket.blast" at {_group1::*} for {_group1::*}
    		play sound "entity.firework_rocket.blast" at {_group2::*} for {_group2::*}


  8. On 5/9/2022 at 3:47 PM, Bananaman016662 said:

    2022-05-09_17_42_41.thumb.png.2c3b0cdd50cd7ea8af5da7d254fce67b.pngI have been trying to get an origins mod up for me and my friends, yet every time we try to join it says we need to download a mod we have downloaded

    The origins mod has had this issue many times.

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