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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 10 hours ago, AttePatte said:

    Thank you for replying and for your time. The skript is very embarassing and it has a lot of nonsense which you will laugh at.

    I would be super thankful if you could tell me a better way to approach this lag problem so we could find a solution. I have been so far just lowering numbers, adding 'kill the loop-zombie' and 'if' statements all over the skript. It is VERY impractical and I know I have been looking at this the wrong way and REPEATING the same pattern that leads to this very laggy code. I sometimes think that it's ridiculous how I keep on working on this same zombie skript while the answer could be obvious. On the other hand I think that pathfinding is not working that well but why does it lag when there are more than 2-3 players? So I deeply apologise for the horrible mess I have created and spent my time on... maybe I just wanted to create something special and enjoyable, something fun! I think that end goal blinded me the goal of making a server which people enjoy hours upon hours a day. So i think that lead me to use the same laggy methods that ended me with this code. 

    So again. That is why it is so horrible and that is WHY I want YOU to consider these mentioned things before you laugh at me, before you laugh at this. I have worked on other things such as scoreboards, abilities with cooldowns so I have not wasted all of my time on this. 

    every 20 seconds in "world": #If i have it pathfinding zombies every second it will lag... obviosly and this is a poor method. The zombies aren't pathfinding all the time just
    	set {p} to a random player out of all players
    	loop zombies in radius 55 of {p}: #The radius has varied from 35 to 65 but I suspect that it affects performance
    		if {p}'s world is not "nether" or "the_end": #This is so that it doesn't make zombies pathfind to somewhere that isn't the overworld
    			if distance between {p} and loop-zombie is greater than 15: #pretty obvious, but it's so that it doesn't make zombies that are close pathfind for no reason
    				if distance between {p} and loop-zombie is greater than 60: #This is so that zombies in caves or far away would 'despawn'
    					chance of 25%: #i put this for... idk
    						kill the loop-zombie
    				if block below loop-zombie is stone or Deepslate or Tuff or Cobbled Deepslate: #so zombies underground wouldn't multiply to hundreds but instead courages the zombies to spawn and multiply aboveground
    					chance of 25%:
    						kill the loop-zombie
    				if distance between {p} and loop-zombie is less than 60: #I think what affects performance is zombies having to pathfind from far away..?
    					set path targets of loop-zombie to location of {p} #This, I think is SkBee method
    					apply speed 3 without any particles to loop-zombie for 16 seconds
    					chance of 25%:
    						summon 2 zombies at location of loop-zombie #Multiply thingie
    						wait 3 minutes #For example if zombies have been around one player for too long they will die thus allowing zombies to spawn near other players
    						kill the loop-zombie #This whole code works with few players, desirably with 10 or less but as said it starts to lag at 3+ players


    If the server lags the more people that join than its gotta be something about the second line. Set {p} to a specific player and see if the server lags the more people that join.

  2. 2 minutes ago, HailAydenIce said:

    / As some info before this, I did not use any spaces in the files, names, or anything related to this / I have a 16 KB world file named "IslandBuilds" with the zip type I would like to upload to my Minehut server (Spigot) so I can have another person help me with the builds on it, so first instinct was to upload it through the world panel, and I did so. It downloaded in milliseconds and it then said "An error occurred, please try again". After clicking the upload button 37 times, I decided that maybe I should try another way, if there is one. So, I go on these forums and find multiple posts saying that File.io and typed in the command; /ul world IslandBuilds (file link). To my loss of braincells, I got a response of "Error: Player not found". I did the normal procedure of restarting anyways and doing the command /world IslandBuilds, and it didn't work. I later find a file on my server named "ul IslandBuilds" with no arrow next to it, and at this point I'm questioning reality, and reset the entire server, and try doing the same procedure to the same results. I have no idea what's going on, and I'm not sacrificing my soul to Dropbox to try and figure out how to use that method. I have no idea what's going on and I legit just want to do this to add another player to the server. I am unbelievably confused.

    /ul - This was an old command by Minehut before they "Unleashed"

    An error occurred, please try again. - 9 times out of 10 the file is just uploading. Don't do anything on the page and wait a couple minutes.

    World panel doesn't work - I've never used the world panel to upload worlds, since you can upload the .zip file to the 'home' file and unzip it there. This could be the issue as well.

    • Like 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, Simply said:

    Hi, so I usually connect to minehut via my switch through geyser, which worked great before but now when I try to join it puts me in the "ad-space" teleport area that usually comes up before teleporting to a server. But this is before I even reach the lobby. /lobby does not work it just says unknown command. And then I'm stuck there indefinitely. 

    What version are you on?
    Do you play java or bedrock?
    Have you changed anything in the server that affects connectivity or inventory?

  4. 4 hours ago, AttePatte said:

    I made a pretty resource heavy skript. I have been trying to make it more efficient for a year now. Not every day for a whole year, but sometimes I just come back to it and try to fix it. I am now settled to it's current state and am not willing to work on it anymore. It's pretty chill with 2-3 players but as soon as a 4th player joins the whole server starts struggling.

    I was wondering which server plan is enough for like 10 players with "mods". I hear some say that the 2gb upgrade is enough already, but should I get a plan with higher ram.

    The script is laggy because it makes zombies pathfind to a random player and stuff so yeah. Help is needed and appreciated!

    Can you send the skript? I could make compact it a bit.
    Also MH20 is good enough if you have a small playerbase.

  5. 19 hours ago, TheBombi23 said:

    IGN (In game username): TexasGermany

    Why were you punished: I was punished for "Other"

    Proof that you are not guilty: Sorry I have no proof cause I don't know why I am banned

    Have you been punished before: No



  6. 1 hour ago, tehthrtreh said:


    This Is Great But I Need To Make The Random Items Togglable


    command /toggle:
        if {%player%.random} = true:
          set {%player%.random} to false
          message "&6&l[ &e&lDupeBee&6&l ]&f » &7 You have disabled random items" to player
          set {%player%.random} to true
          message "&6&l[ &e&lDupeBee&6&l ]&f » &7 You have enabled random items" to player


    But I also want to have blacklisted items @AgentGamerPro


    literally half the skript is a command where you can blacklist items but ok.

    Use this new one


    	Prefix: &2&l[&a&lRI&2&l]
    	BlacklistPerm: Blacklist.Use
    command /BlacklistItem [<text>]:
    	permission: {@BlacklistPerm}
    	permission message: {@Prefix} &cYou don't have permission to execute this command!
    		if arg-1 is not set:
    			send "&aHow to use%nL%&eHold any item in your hand, then type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm""%nL%&6If an item isn't added in the blacklist, it will add the type of block.%nL%&eOtherwise it will remove the type of block from the blacklist."
    		else if arg-1 is "confirm":
    			if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain type of player's held item:
    				add type of player's held item to {RIBlacklist::*}
    				send "{@Prefix} &aAdded item to blacklist!"
    				remove type of player's held item from {RIBlacklist::*}
    				send "{@Prefix} &aRemoved item from blacklist!"
    			send "{@Prefix} &cYou must type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm"" to confirm!"
    command /RIToggle:
    		set {RIToggled::%player's uuid%} to true if {RIToggled::%player's uuid%} is false, else true
    		send "{@Prefix} &eToggled random items to %{RIToggled::%player's uuid%}%"
    every 10 seconds:
    	loop all players:
    		{RIToggled::%loop-player's uuid%} is true
    		loop 100 times:
    			set {_item} to random element out of all items
    			if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain {_item}:
    				give loop-player {_item}
    				exit loop


  7. Just now, TheCodingDuck_ said:

    No need to create another thread 

    He just really badly needs it tho 🙂



    1 hour ago, tehthrtreh said:

    I Need A Random Item Every 10 Seconds Skript With Blacklisted Items, Messages And it has to be a activated by default

    Try this. Untested, but it parsed with no errors via parser.skunity.com

    	Prefix: &2&l[&a&lRI&2&l]
    	BlacklistPerm: Blacklist.Use
    command /BlacklistItem [<text>]:
    	permission: {@BlacklistPerm}
    	permission message: {@Prefix} &cYou don't have permission to execute this command!
    		if arg-1 is not set:
    			send "&aHow to use%nL%&eHold any item in your hand, then type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm""%nL%&6If an item isn't added in the blacklist, it will add the type of block.%nL%&eOtherwise it will remove the type of block from the blacklist."
    		else if arg-1 is "confirm":
    			if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain type of player's held item:
    				add type of player's held item to {RIBlacklist::*}
    				send "{@Prefix} &aAdded item to blacklist!"
    				remove type of player's held item from {RIBlacklist::*}
    				send "{@Prefix} &aRemoved item from blacklist!"
    			send "{@Prefix} &cYou must type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm"" to confirm!"
    every 10 seconds:
    	loop all players:
    		loop 100 times:
    			set {_item} to random element out of all items
    			if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain {_item}:
    				give loop-player {_item}
    				exit loop


  8. On 6/16/2022 at 12:14 PM, Retoaded said:

    So i set up a server using luckperms a few days ago and it was running fine in 1.19. But i log on today and Luckperms was just removed from the world. i am using Essentials, EssentialsChat, and Vault along with Luckperms.  Whenever i go to the console it says that Luckperms is installed but it isnt there in game, I was editing a few .yml  files for essentials and luckperms right before luckperms disappeared? Anyone know how to get luckperms working.

    I have tried a lot of stuff, uninstalling and reinstalling the plugins multiple times, i don't want to reset the entire world. I tried downloading the world file but whenever i join it None of the player made builds or structures are there, just playerdata was saved  



    did you restart?

  9. 15 hours ago, Moanis said:

    So I was wondering if there was maybe a plug-in to keep your server 24/7 without being afk or maybe a afkbot plugin

    thats not allowed

  10. On 6/14/2022 at 10:42 AM, Zthll said:

    Hey im kinda new to scripts can someone one help me make a tpa function and /spawn function please?


    	AcceptTime: 30 seconds
    	Spawn: location(0, 0, 0, world("world"))
    command /tpa <offline player>:
    		if {TPA::%player%} is set:
    			send "&cYou have an active TPA request already!" to player
    			set {TPA::%player%} to "%arg-1%"
    			send "&eYou sent a tpa request to &6%arg-1%&e!" to player
    			send "&6%player% &ehas asked to teleport to you. Type &6/TPAccept &eto accept or &6/TPDeny &eto deny." to arg-1
    			wait {@AcceptTime}
    			send "&cTPA request expired." to player
    command /tpaccept <offline player>:
    		if {TPA::%arg-1%} is not "%player%":
    			send "&4%arg-1% &chas not sent you a teleport request!" to player
    			teleport arg-1 to player
    			clear {TPA::%arg-1%}
    			send "&eAccepted &6%arg-1%&e's teleport request." to player
    			send "&6%player% &eaccepted your teleport request." to arg-1
    command /tpdeny <offline player>:
    		if {TPA::%arg-1%} is not "%player%":
    			send "&4%arg-1% &chas not sent you a teleport request!" to player
    			clear {TPA::%arg-1%}
    			send "&eDenied &6%arg-1%&e's teleport request." to player
    			send "&4%player% &cdenied your teleport request." to arg-1
    on disconnect:
    	clear {TPA::%player%}
    command /spawn:
    		teleport player to {@Spawn}


    • Like 1
  11. On 6/14/2022 at 6:29 AM, Coopnutt6969 said:

    nothing on skript is working except a command that just sends something to a player. this started about a week or two ago and it hasnt been the same since. theres no new updates it says. the way i found out is on my test server nothing was working (some custom items i made) please help.

    Could be your skript version. If youre running a 1.17.1 server, switch to skript 2.6... 9 times out of 10 its a skript version issue.

  12. 4 hours ago, Andysu said:

    I'm looking for a 3d modeler to create mobs with 3d models.

    I use ModelEngine to add blockbench models.

    I dont think you can remodel entities unless everyone who joins is going to use optifine. You can retexture them without optifine but thats about it. You could model a item and stretch it over the mob by putting it on their head.

  13. 16 hours ago, Juskittin said:

    If the world is corrupted then what can we do to fix it?

    And if we worked on that world for days

    check if you have a backup. If you dont, delete the world and restart.

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