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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Pryzmm


    never : ) EDIT: k i lied i changed it
  2. tf no? It's possible your old backup was replaced by a newer one.
  3. is your plugin supported by your current server version? does it require other plugins to function?
  4. Check if your server type supports plugins (paper, spigot, etc.) Things like fabric or plain vanilla dont allow plugins.
  5. Is there any chunked being force loaded? Try setting the server render distance lower.
  6. EDIT: Just realized @CorruptionGamez necroposted. Woops... could be made much simpler on damage: if attacker is not wearing any armor: cancel event if victim is not wearing any armor: cancel event https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=1165
  7. you've applied for staff on over 14 servers and are hosting your own server now? dont think ill play lol
  8. could be done easier on break of endstone: cancel event if player is op: uncancel event
  9. im not asking if its possible im asking if i were to apply if apps were open do you think id be accepted
  10. it was about to die then you revived it
  11. i made 200 USD from a semi-popular server that got an upwards of 30 people.
  12. EDIT: Just read that your using bedrock. You might need to use "allowlist" instead of "whitelist" in your commands. The term "OP" means operator, meaning you have full access to any commands available. As long as no one else has operator they can't change your kids gamemode. There is a way to allow certain people to join. I'm like 99% sure it will work although since I've never used something called "Ubuntu" I'm not certain. If you don't have operator access already, type "op <Your Game Name>" inside the console, wherever that may be. Next go in game and type "/whitelist on". This should turn on whitelist. Note that you aren't automatically added to the whitelist. To add players to your whitelist do "/whitelist add <Player Game Name>". For any more information regarding whitelisting, you can go here: Commands/whitelist – Minecraft Wiki (fandom.com) I'm fairly active on the forums so let me know if you have any questions.
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