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About Customable

  • Birthday October 16

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  1. ouch. first application: to formal and too much detail going off point, second application: to little detail and lack of effort. I cant  find the perfect amount of detail... at least he gave me a thumbs up

  2. play sound %string% [with volume %number%] [(and|with) pitch %number%] at %location% [for %players%] vanilla script play sound effect aka. you do not need Skellete
  3. broadcast "&c%player% &7has activated a booster! &f( &730 Minutes Left! &f)" wait 30 minutes YOU'VE DONE IT NOW. set {booster::lasting} to 30 minutes set {booster::started} to now every second: if difference between {booster::started} and now > {booster::lasting}: delete {booster::*} send "booster over, get on with it" to all players
  4. if any of you ever put me on a top scripters list i'm going to leave minehut...
  5. We are all small particles on a giant floating rock and i will be dead one day anyway, probably the best day of all of your lives when i die. i am a person. ign: direct your line of sight towards the OP discord: Cinnamon#1238
  6. Customable


    no... i don't think it works like that sir.
  7. loop all players: if loop-player has permission "Inferium.Admin": send "&f[VANISH] &c%player% is now in vanish." to loop-player send "" to all players where [input has permission ""] make console execute command "gamemode 3 %player%" set player's gamemode to spectator command /mute [<player>] [<string>]: permission: Inferium.Helper permission message: &cYou do not have permission for this! trigger: if argument 1 is not set: send "&c/mute (username) (reason)" else if argument 1 is set: if argument 2 is set: send "&cYou muted %arg 1% for %arg 2%." send "&c&lYou have been muted for %arg 2% for 0d0h30m0s." to argument 1 set {Inferium.mute.%arg 1%} to "true" set {Inferium.lastmute.%arg 1%} to "%arg 2%" set {Inferium.mutereason.%arg 1%} to "%arg 2%" wait 30 minutes set {Inferium.mute.%arg 1%} to "false" im not even going to recreate this again, just look at this https://forums.skunity.com/resources/node-staff.798/ {Inferium.%argument%.frozen} {inferium::%arg 1%::frozen} I would have some sort of Gordon Ramsey level insult but i think I've done enough damage for one day.
  8. Customable


    im going to keep doing this until people that suggest plugins always check version and last update first before suggestion
  9. Customable


    the last update was 2017 January the 24th and it was the only version to ever exist in its history, but whatever lola wants mate.
  10. i'm scared of your every existent second. 

  11. send "" to all players where [input has permission ""] command cooldown: trigger: if difference between {cooldown::%player's uuid%} and now > 30 seconds: send "please wait 30 seconds in between using this command" stop send "command used"
  12. to which i added "what ever floats your boat"
  13. because this is an extremely inefficient way of making ranks, and the code is pretty messy. but what ever floats your boat
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