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Market Creator
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Everything posted by FnnF

  1. Looking forward to helping the community more! Hope to see all of you around:)
  2. Happy anniversary everyone! What a fun community to spend time with!
  3. I like simplified versions of "The Pit", I go on The Pit sometimes on Hypixel but the enchants just are to confusing for my small brain:) But recently there have been a couple of remakes of Pit, and I have been playing those for a long time.
  4. Minehut needs to pay their hosting in someway, this is not free. Also, you can perfectly make a good, working server without paying. First off, learn how to skript (takes about 3 months to get decent at), second, if you are talking about max amount of players, you can use one of your 12 plugins for BuyCraft, and then use that money, to reinvest with the server.
  5. Minecraft Username: FFandF Discord Username (EXAMPLE: Discord#1234): !FaithfulandFree#9207 What do you enjoy about minehut & why should you get the rank?: The thing that I enjoy most about Minehut, is probably the staff and their events. It's so fun being in those and fun to participate in them, especially UHCs! I should want this rank because it is nice to have, I don't really promote servers, which I'm sure that is some people's responses, but I just like talking, and as I am able to talk without a rank, it is nicer to be able to be seen more often. Thanks for doing this giveaway, it keeps the community active.
  6. function refreshLevelLB(): set {bodies::*} to sorted {Level::*} from highest to lowest with format "@index" set {_ind} to 0 loop {body_lbs::*}: loop {_bodies::*}: if {_ind} < 10: add 1 to {_ind} set {_pl} to "%loop-value-2 parsed as offline player%" set {_ul} to {Bodies::%loop-value-2%} set line (1 + {_ind}) of loop-value-1 to "&4&l%{_ind}%&7. &f%{_pl}%&7: [&c%{_ul}%&7]" command /holoset [<text>]: permission: rank.admin trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/holoset <level>" else if arg-1 is "level": create new hologram with line "&7» &b&lBodies Leaderboard &7«" and store in {body_lbs::*} send "&aCreated a new hologram with id &c%size of {body_lbs::*}%" command /refreshlb: trigger: refreshLevelLB() send "Done" This is all I have
  7. But this only says one line, the title.
  8. This is supposed to be how much hours can you put per week/day.
  9. What do you mean? This is what I have @Vinixs function refreshLevelLB(): set {bodies::*} to sorted {Level::*} from highest to lowest with format "@index" set {_ind} to 0 loop {body_lbs::*}: loop {_bodies::*}: if {_ind} < 10: add 1 to {_ind} set {_pl} to "%loop-value-2 parsed as offline player%" set {_ul} to {Bodies::%loop-value-2%} set line (1 + {_ind}) of loop-value-1 to "&4&l%{_ind}%&7. &f%{_pl}%&7: [&c%{_ul}%&7]" command /holoset [<text>]: permission: rank.admin trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/holoset <level>" else if arg-1 is "level": create new hologram with line "&7» &b&lBodies Leaderboard &7«" and store in {body_lbs::*} send "&aCreated a new hologram with id &c%size of {body_lbs::*}%" refreshLevelLB(player)
  10. And how do I delete the holo
  11. command /holoset [<text>]: permission: rank.admin trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c/holoset <level>" else if arg-1 is "level": create new hologram with line "&7» &b&lBodies Leaderboard &7«" and store in {body_lbs::*} send "&aCreated a new hologram with id &c%size of {body_lbs::*}%" refreshLevelLB(player)
  12. How do I get it to not just say the title
  13. The unlimited I assume is for being able to host a server, completely freely. I don't think they meant to trick the players in any way though. That is what I think it means.
  14. I want to know where to vote for this server
  15. FnnF


    ALright guys so I have this server and I want the players to when they join for the first time they join into the group defualt. whats the command to set this? THe
  16. Alright I'm looking to start a server. I have got the basics down I need A Developer, Comment below and I will respond to you. I also need builders and Staff comment below and I will respond. I will be on when I post this at /join VinSurvive. Thanks!
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