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Everything posted by ReportCards

  1. I feel you, not completely to the same extent, but as a Market Maker it feels like we're just a "product" when it comes to moderation. It feels as if we're not viewed as humans when it comes to the community and support/moderation. Whenever any harassment comes up towards a market maker, it's as if you're on your own.
  2. every 1 ticks: loop all players set {_x} to x of loop-player's velocity set {_y} to y of loop-player's velocity set {_z} to z of loop-player's velocity set {_speed} to abs({_x}) + abs({_y}) + abs({_z}) send action bar "&7SPEED: &f%{_speed}%&7 / &f2" to loop-player wait 2 ticks You want to use (x|y|z) of %vector% as the velocity of an entity is a vector. https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=986
  3. it's pretty simple, you'd use the "location of" expression, but using "event-block" and not "placed block", whenever an expression/effect asks for a block, and you want to access the block in the event, you'll want to use "event-block".
  4. Plugin: SKNoise Version: 0.1.8 Why: This update fixes a major issue that multiple people had, so people will be able to use octaves much easier now. URL: Github
  5. LOCKED Please do not post on posts that haven't been active for over a month
  6. LOCKED Please try not to post on a topic that hasn't been active for a month!
  7. NAME SKNoise VERSION 0.1.7 URL Github REASON This release adds Voronoi noise, which is a popular noise for things such as biome generation. This update also brings some small minor performance fixes.
  8. ReportCards


    Please do not post on topics that are over 1 month old! Locked
  9. Isn't there an addon for Skript DB Management stuff already?
  10. Name: SKNoise Link: here Information: This addon allows developers to use perlin and simplex noise values, along side changing the seed and getting the seed. It will be very useful for anything that requires seeds for generation, or anyone that wants to create smooth and good looking chunks of land. Benefits: - Obtaining values from math functions that would take a while to make and parse made inside of Skript - Being able to make fully function generators with seed inputs
  11. This isn't good for servers that use armor stands, item frames, or any other entity like those. This would be more or so used for something that doesn't have much and doesn't allow players to place those.
  12. May or may not be planned.
  13. MongoSK had an update (1.1.2), it adds more filters to mongo document filters. This update will provide much more diversity with managing a database, and would be very useful. Link: https://github.com/Romitou/MongoSK/releases/tag/1.1.2
  14. It's likely that some of the server is the cause of it as well, not just Minehut, I've been on my server and others for days on end without it crashing a single time, admittedly I did see a few crashes here and there, but it seemed to always be the servers fault and not Minehut's.
  15. Even still I believe we override the text on server load anyway, this shouldn't be much of an issue. I'm not 100% sure though
  16. Link: https://github.com/Romitou/MongoSK/releases/tag/1.1.1 This update brings deleting documents, getting all documents, and all documents where a query matches. Hopefully some more important updates will be coming as well.
  17. No, advertising Discord's are not allowed on the forums. But if you're advertising a competition I'd advise you put as much information as possible in the advertisement and not "Join for more info!", people don't like joining something they don't understand. Especially if they are completely fluked about it.
  18. Please try not to necropost. But to answer your question, you can use direct ip's like <server>.minehut.gg to directly go into a server! Thread Locked
  19. ReportCards

    mobile support

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