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Everything posted by PandaChan

  1. Minehut support no longer rolls back servers on request.
  2. This isn't the right section, the essential plugin collection is available on Minehut already, no need for EssentialsX.
  3. PandaChan


    0 tick farms have been patched, you can no longer use them.
  4. Don't reset your server after adding the world, simply just follow the video and there should be no issues.
  5. Welcome back! I'm glad that you put this stuff behind you ^^
  6. Did you save the server before logging off?
  7. PandaChan

    How do you buy ranks.

  8. Yeah, not sure what they were thinking when they added this, I think it was originally just to stop some swearing but now it's just kinda annoying. They should just make something themselves that they're able to make specifically for the lobby which would be a lot better.
  9. Use a permissions plugin like LuckPerms Here's the link to the commands: https://github.com/lucko/LuckPerms/wiki/Command-Usage
  10. Try checking if they're logged into the email service itself (gmail for example.)
  11. This is because there are certain things in that file that a user shouldn't be able to edit, for example the amount of player slots. Most things someone may want to edit is found in the server properties tab on the side of the panel.
  12. PandaChan


    You can appeal in the appeals section, your server was most likely suspended due to an inappropriate MOTD. Format: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/1299-server-appeal-format/ Appeal: https://forums.minehut.com/forum/195-server-appeals/
  13. PandaChan

    Pex or LP

    PEX is outdated but easy, LP is up to date but difficult so idk.
  14. You're not supposed to /reload servers since it breaks plugins, just restart the server.
  15. You need to make sure you type /save-all before logging off, you can create a support ticket at https://minehut.com/support to get your world back.
  16. Make sure you're using Chrome, if you are and it doesn't work try resetting your cookies.
  17. I believe I've had some issues with this plugin before, it might be broken. I never fixed it, just gave up after multiple restarts
  18. Make sure you're opped, if you are try doing /pl to see if the plugins are all green. If that doesn't work try adding the permission node * to yourself with a groupmanaging plugin.
  19. Make sure the user isn't close to the spawnpoint, if he is either change the spawnprotection radius or move away from spawn.
  20. There were no IPs leaked, just emails.
  21. Contact support at https://minehut.com/support
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