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Everything posted by lotix

  1. That means the user is not banned, try checking through your file manager though.
  2. To unban a user, you can enter the command /pardon <user>, for example: /pardon lotix This would unban me if I was banned on your server.
  3. I commend your honesty here, this could possibly influence the opinion of others looking to join the staff team of this server or just their opinion on the server in general. I am not a supporter for drama, so I am not going to introduce my opinion into the mix.
  4. lotix

    Always on

    No, there is currently no way to make your server never shut down, your server will automatically get closed after a period of time while no users are online.
  5. Nah I just wanted to know for future reference
  6. I recommend following a video tutorial, such can be found here:
  7. You might have to just change the server name, if people can't join the server it might be because of the "." in your name meaning your going to have to change it. Also make sure that your whitelist is off.
  8. To operate yourself, go into your server console and type /op <user>, for future reference please check the forum categories before posting as this is in the incorrect category.
  9. But which one do you prefer the most, if you had to chose between the 2
  10. Try reading this article: https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015767134-My-server-won-t-start
  11. Congrats on 1 thousand posts!
  12. Yo yo! I'm interested in the community's opinion on this topic, would you rather join a server with good gameplay and mediocre aesthetics, or a server with good aesthetics and mediocre gameplay? By the word "aesthetics", I am referring to the quality of builds, graphics and the visual beauty of the server.
  13. lotix

    cant start server

    https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015767134-My-server-won-t-start This article written by SLG support should help you get your server back online. If the issue still persists, I recommend contacting the support team @ https://minehut.com/app/support
  14. Thanks for this helpful tutorial, I can now eat my discord nitro links properly!
  15. Good luck to anybody whom are considering applying!
  16. @TheRustySpud are you going to allow this sort of treason?!?
  17. lotix


    It would be useful is you could include a spigotMC link for the plugin so that the admins can add it to their databases. I don't have much knowledge with this plugin but it seems like it would be fun for the community to use
  18. I'm guessing your referring to the "CommandNPC" command, hopefully this spigot page on the plugin should help you with your commands: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/commandnpc.40295/
  19. Ah, that's what was missing. I didn't enunuf my ubheybhfbv, thanks so much!
  20. Heyo, welcome back to the forums! Hope you have a great time here
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