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Everything posted by _Tarna_

  1. _Tarna_

    Unlinking Issues

    You should just be able to go to the account settings on the account it is linked to and click unlink.
  2. _Tarna_

    server not saving

    Try doing /worlds to see a list of your worlds. Sometimes a new world gets generated and you get teleported there and your stuff is in a different world. To teleport to the other worlds, do /world <world name>.
  3. _Tarna_

    plugin on red

    The plugin is probably not updated for 1.16.
  4. Hey. Sorry I have never used the plugin before so not sure how it works. Try checking the plugins site to see how to use it. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/bettersleeping-1-13-1-16.60837/
  5. _Tarna_

    Mining not working

    Can't rn sorry. If you want, you can dm me on Discord later and I might join. Tarna256#8675. Also if your problem is fixed, you shouldn't reply to this anymore.
  6. So this is your first time joining Minehut and it says your banned? Appeal here and you should be unbanned if you did nothing wrong. https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/5-player-appeals/
  7. _Tarna_

    Pocket Edition

    You put the server name. Say the server name is server, you would use server.minehut.gg. But thats only if you are on Java. With bedrock, connect to bedrock.minehut.com then do /join server.
  8. Maybe try deleting skrayfall and the plugin's folder and reinstall it. Or in the Minehut discord, ask in #skript. http://discord.gg/minehut
  9. options: goldenappleprice: 10 appleprice: 5 specialitem: dirt every 15 seconds: loop all players: if {random::*} contains loop-player: give a random item out of all items to the loop-player command /toggle: trigger: if {random::*} contains player: remove player from {random::*} else: add player to {random::*} on death of player: attacker is a player add 5 to {points::%attacker's uuid%} if {points::%attacker's uuid%} is 20: # code to give vip else if {points::%attacker's uuid%} is 40: # code to give mvp on right click with {@specialitem}: # code for special rank on damage of player: if victim's health < 5: send formatted "<command:/goldenapple>Click to buy some Golden Apples" send formatted "<command:/apple>Click to buy some Apples" command /goldenapple: trigger: if player's balance >= {@goldenappleprice}: remove {@goldenappleprice} from player's balance give player golden apple send "Golden Apple purchased" command /apple: trigger: if player's balance >= {@appleprice}: remove {@appleprice} from player's balance give player apple send "Apple purchased" command /lightningstick: permission: lightning.stick trigger: give player stick named "Lightning Stick!" on right click with stick named "Lightning Stick!": strike lightning at event-location on citizen click: # requires skellet citizen's name is "Nether": # requires citizens to create the npc teleport player to location(0, 100, 0, world "world_nether") # change this to where you want the player to be teleported citizen's name is "Overworld": teleport player to location(0, 100, 0, world "world") # change this to where you want the player to be teleported on death of player: if last damage cause is fall: set death message to "%victim% forgot how gravity works!" None of this is tested so some of them might not work. For the buying golden apples and apples part, didn't know which currency you used so just used essentials eco. You can change the price of each in the options. Also didn't know what item you wanted for the special item to get the special rank so you can set that in the options too. For the rank giving part for points, didn't know what permission plugin you used so just change the comment i placed do execute console command "/command" and set the command to give the player the rank. For this part, use a plugin called Multiverse and Void Generator to create a void world. To create the void world, do /mv create (world) normal -g VoidGenerator Edit: Some of these indents got messed up in the post for some reason but if you know the basics of skript, you can easily fix them.
  10. Thats weird. If you are sure you have skrayfall and it still isn't working, im not sure. Maybe try putting the text directly into the expression instead of setting it to a variable. Not sure.
  11. Try deleting the plugin and the mrl folder in the plugins folder. Restart server. Then get the plugin again.
  12. This is the plugins category where you suggest plugins to be added. If you are suggesting a feature, suggest it on the Meta discord or here https://forums.minehut.com/forum/21-features/
  13. _Tarna_

    Mining not working

    Its probably just easier to change the setting but ok nice.
  14. _Tarna_

    Pocket Edition

    Ive already have.
  15. _Tarna_

    Pocket Edition

    Yes. just join with that ip then do /join servername and you will be teleported to your server if its online.
  16. _Tarna_

    Mining not working

    Oh lol was it the default spawn protection all servers come with? You can disable this in the settings tab on the panel.
  17. _Tarna_

    Mining not working

    I cant see what might be causing the issue. I only see a lot of errors with the plugin GreatKits but not sure if that is causing it. Maybe try clicking repair files in danger zone section on the server. If that does't work either, try removing plugin by plugin to see if anyone of them are causing it. You have worldguard so make sure you don't have a region that is doing this.
  18. _Tarna_

    Pocket Edition

    Not bedrock.minehut.gg, its bedrock.minehut.com
  19. _Tarna_

    Pocket Edition

    Join with the ip bedrock.minehut.com. This will take you to the minehut lobby. Then do /join <server name> and if the server is on, it will take you to the server.
  20. Try using the BetterSleeping plugin. With it, you can specify how many players have to be sleeping for the time to be set to day.
  21. Setting the Default World: In order to set a default world, you must first head over to https://minehut.com/ and start up your server. Once your server has started, you can click the settings tab and go to level name and type in the new default world name. Try checking the plugins folder to see if there is a folder for mrl. If there isn't, that is probably why the data isn't saving.
  22. _Tarna_

    Mining not working

    Hey sorry didnt see your responses. Can you send your logs in a pastebin.com. But before sending them, try making players break the blocks when it doesn't work.
  23. _Tarna_

    Pocket Edition

    The servers are cross play but they use something called GeyserMC to allow the crossplay. And the ip you need to connect to are listed above.. You need to join with that ip and then do /join servername because direct ips dont work for bedrock.
  24. You cannot change that image. The only icon you can change is the icon thats in the serverlist on the minehut lobby.
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