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Everything posted by vitalResource

  1. no its correct u big dumb
  2. the reason this isnt going into the skript section is because im probably going to remove it and they would bully me ok here
  3. cow doesnt mean it... he's actually a really bad bully.
  4. xmuel aint gonna survive this life... jk good job guys
  5. First of all this is in the wrong sub-category. There is a sub-category called Suggestions for a reason. Secondly, if Trent were to develop this into Minehut, I'd doubt he'd make it free. If Minehut wished to create more income, they'd sell server icons to the ranked players, or using credits. Overall, Minehut wont give free benefits towards Server Icons, as it'd be a loss of income.
  6. ha got you now comment to make this the most commented post
  7. Regular Cake Flavoured Water or Plain Water
  8. my server is cool. must agree.
  9. Never knew this addon was added, thanks for letting me know! Going to be using it on my server.
  10. only a real one if you remember the ranks when they were star tiers. VIP = ✪ PRO = ✪✪ LEGEND = ✪✪✪
  11. PVP in the lobby was also when they had boys you could drive around, aha. The fun times back then. You also had bonuses for killing staff, didn’t you?
  12. I didn’t know that- thanks for telling me!
  13. Who remembers the users normal boats normal was the guy that hacked minehut 4 years ago (gained admin rank, blew up the lobby and more) boats was that corrupt mod. yeah thats it.
  14. yay officially hit 100 posts
  15. 1 post to 100 posts.. first non-staff to hit 100 posts
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