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Everything posted by AbioticTitan947

  1. So I have Skript & TuSKe and I was wondering... Is it possible to open GUI's from within a GUI?
  3. Hello! So I was thinking of getting a server plan and I was wondering... `What plugins should I get?` But I don't know what the different skript addons do and since yous are smarter than me I'm now asking yous what skripts I should get
  4. A skript that lets you assign commands to specific item names
  5. I didnt make this but command /setspawn: permission: Inferiun.staff permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that. trigger: set {global.survival.spawn} to player's position send "&9Spawn> &7The Global Survival Spawn has been set." command /spawn: trigger: set {_waitedcommandspawn} to difference between {spawn.teleport.%player%.lastused} and now if {_waitedcommandspawn} is less than 30 seconds: message "&9Recharge> &7You cannot use this command &7for &a%difference between 30 seconds and {_waitedcommandspawn}%&7." stop else: if {global.survival.spawn} is set: teleport player to {global.survival.spawn} set {spawn.teleport.%player%.lastused} to now send "&9Teleport> &7You was teleported to the Spawn Zone." else: if player has permission "mineplex.admin": send "&9Command Center> &cThere is no spawn. Create one using &e/setspawn" send "&9Command Center> &cThere was an error accessing your order."
  6. Thx I changed it to team Night & Day btw (I nick myself Night×Day)
  7. I didnt know there was such thing as skunity . . But also thx
  8. I have skript but I'm not very good at it, so I'm asking yous because I'm stupid because you're better at skript than me. So, here's a list of skripts I want . . . . Also I might add some more Super Vanish- A skript that's pretty much super vanish Block Break Speed Changer- A way to make certain blocks take longer/less time to mine. And if possible make it based on the world, although that might not be possible Breakable bedrock- Pretty self-explanatory Team Based Chat Change- This means a way to change the chat format based on team. Nickname Chat Change- This basically means How do I make it show a players nickname instead of username? Holographic Text- A skript to make holographic text, self-explanatory Silk Touch Block Break- A skript to auto-smelt iron ore and gold ore unless the tool has silk touch Remember to stay inside and save lives
  9. I didnt create this skript btw- Options: Discord: &bCHANGE ME #You can change this to your discord command /Discord: trigger: message "" message "{@Discord}" message ""
  10. A skript to make bedrock breakable and/or a skript to change the time it takes to mine a block
  11. A skript that lets me change the chat format depending on team . . Also a way to have it show the nickname and not the player name. Im stupid Also a skript that lets me make holographic text because I cant get the plugin. Im still stupid
  12. Is there a way to make it so that if you right click items it does a command or moves you to a different multiverse world?
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