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Offical club for skript on minehut.

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  1. What's new in this club
  2. Bro it's been almost 2 years now and you still think it's a virus... I've gone through and examined every message and file Es2205 has sent. The Skripts that he has publicly uploaded is 100% safe, as long as players do not have the permission staff.punish, (even though like, why would you even do this) As stated over a year ago, .txt files can not give you viruses. What can give you viruses is files with fake extensions (i.e. NotAVirus.txt.exe), though Es2205's files do not have this. The txt files are skripts, nothing more. Skripts themselves can not give you viruses. Even the biggest risk of any sort of "virus" with skript would involve the addons SkUtilities or even Skript-Reflect, which can impact your server heavily if used wrong. Es2203's files do not require the dependency of either of those addons, and even if they did, the files do not give access to your server files, or your server in general. Your chrome thinking that a .txt file is a virus is dead wrong and you might need to fix that, because unless that .txt file is telling you directly to download other files, then .txt files pose no risk. The VirusTotal image i sent a long time ago is proof of that. Do not go and assume that the most recent thing you downloaded was a virus.
  3. Es2205's files have viruses. My computer got infected by a virus when I downloaded his Skripts for my server. Es2205 also hacked into my servers using the viruses in order to grief them.
  4. IDK if the is right can some one tell me please
  5. every 30 minutes: loop all players: if "%region of loop-player%" is "afk": console command "/givehearts %{_p}% 1" send "&cYou now have 1 more heart"
  6. After much time not focusing on Minehut I've decided to start another project. This server will be focused on pvp with elements of rpg. In the meantime while the server is being created you can join the discord. https://discord.gg/uADbjEx3EY
  7. I've updated the discord invite link as I've begun a new project and look forward to helping to revive this community.
  8. I deleted the discord I might re make it
  9. hey i need help making a skript this is what i did its so bad on join: trigger: give %player% amtheyst shard named "Quirk shard" on use: give player amtheyst shard named "&cmaster shard" effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand 10% chance give player amtheyst shard named "&c op shard" effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand 10% chance give player amtheyst shard named "&cfire shard" effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand 10% chance give player amtheyst shard named "&c strength shard" effect add %player% strength 1 on offhand 10% chance
  10. on rightclick : name of player's tool is "&d&lHearts" console command "lifesteal lives %player% add 1" #This Should Work
  11. on right click: if player's held item is Nether Star named "&d&lHearts": Make console excute command:"lifesteal lives %player% add 1" please help i dont know what im doing wrong
  12. This should work im not sure tho options: rankname: RANKNAMEHERE # Make it the same as the luck perms rank name or else it doesnt work on rightclick with paper: name of the player's weapon is "&a&lRank token" make console execute command "/lp user %event-player% parent set {@rankname}" remove paper named "&a&lRank token" from player's inventory send "&a&lYou redeemd a rank token and got rank {@rankname}"
  13. I also am very good at scripting luckperms so I can help you setup all your ranks, set their individual permissions AND make the ranks show up in chat and tab!
  14. Hey Yorzo, I figuered out a way to make it myself! If you would like, I can supply you with the script!
  15. I do to Im trying to give ranks and make prefixes and this would be very helpful for this sort of thing i do not know how to tho
  16. I need help making a script that allows you to right click a an item it gives you a tag or rank...
  17. well it did... it false flagged. why tf would a .txt file be a virus...
  18. wrong. I checked the files myself and they dont contain any viruses inside. Run it through https://www.virustotal.com and youll see this: its a .txt file how tf would you think its a virus... Next time, check if its actually a virus before complaining because chrome flagged it.
  19. That's what I thought. Guys, watch out for Es2205. He's handing out Skripts that contain viruses.

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