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About Aurox

  • Birthday 06/27/2006

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Lurker (1/6)



  1. bit late but here ya go! command /shulkerbox: trigger: give player 1 shulker box named "&ctest" on right click: if held item's display name is "&ctest": if targeted block is not bedrock: send "&c&lThis item can only be placed on bedrock!" cancel event
  2. if a player is not close enough then they wont spawn so it doenst lag the server.
  3. skript needs placeholderAPI Do you have that?
  4. Aurox

    no one can die

    FIXED IT, just had to restart my server
  5. Aurox

    no one can die

    so for some reason whenever ANYONE in my server including me goes to 0 health it just shoots back to 20 and nothing happens apart from the death message "use the /back command to return to your death point." idk what to do and how this happened? i have just recently start working on this server from a while ago as i have came back to minecraft so i dont know what i have added or done. Please help.
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