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About Hitmorningstar

  • Birthday 05/17/2004

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  1. https://skunity.com/downloads skript plugin there.
  2. on load: clear {_swords::*} add "iron sword", "diamond sword" and "stone sword" to {_swords::*} command /sword: trigger: set {_random} to a random element of {_swords::*} give {_random} to player send "test"
  3. command /staffchat [<text>]: aliases: /sc permission: staffchat.mod permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&cUsage: /staffchat <message>" to player if arg 1 is set: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "staffchat.mod": send "&b[StaffChat] &7%player%&7: &f%arg 1%" to loop-player #/sc works but for some reason /staffchat doesn't work if you want to do that but like i said /sc does work.
  4. command /mutechat: permission: mutechat.mod permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: if {mutechat} is false: set {mutechat} to true broadcast "&cChat has been muted by &c%player%" else: set {mutechat} to false broadcast "&aChat has been unmuted by &a%player%" on chat: if player does not have permission "mutechat.bypass": if {mutechat} is true: cancel event send "&cChat is currently muted." to player
  5. command /clearchat: aliases: /cc permission: clearchat.mod permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: loop 100 time: broadcast "" send "&aChat has been cleared by &a%player%"
  6. command /dupe: trigger: give player player's held item if player's held item is air: message "&cYou need to hold a item!" to player else: play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player
  7. command /broadcast [<text>]: permission: broadcast.use permission message: &cNo permission! trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&7Please write something to broadcast!" to player stop if arg 1 is set: broadcast "" broadcast "&4&lBROADCAST" broadcast "&7%arg 1%" broadcast ""
  8. command /hub: trigger: execute player command "/hub"
  9. command /heal: permission: sk.heal permission message: "&cTu n'as &lpas la permission&r &cd''executer cette commande !" aliases: /hl trigger: if player's health is 10: send "&cVotre vie est au &lMaximum &c!" else: heal player send "&aVotre vie est de nouveau au &2&lMaximum &a!" #that should fix it for you
  10. every 2 minutes: set {_broadcast} to random integer between 1 and 10 if {_broadcast} = 1: broadcast "&9&lTIP: &9Use /tpr to go to a random place!" if {_broadcast} = 2: broadcast "&cMake sure to vote here! <link:https://best-minecraft-servers.co/server-phrasestaff-city.17541/vote>Click here." if {_broadcast} = 3: broadcast "&2Please favourite the game and share it with others! It will support us" if {_broadcast} = 4: broadcast "&6Inflation comes to this game!&c Sadly, you now have to buy ranks on the website &9 (phrasestnetwork.tebex.io)&4Do Not&c give the papers to a staff member." if {_broadcast} = 5: broadcast "&c&lPlease read the rules!&c There are certain immidiate ban rules and it could happen to &2you!" if {_broadcast} = 6: broadcast "&aThank you for playing the game.&9 If you would like to visit our online store go to &6www.phrasestnetwork.tebex.io" if {_broadcast} = 7: broadcast "&bBuying ranks on the website support us and help us grow. &6 If you would like to help us grow, please /ad PhraseSTCity in the lobby!" if {_broadcast} = 8: broadcast "&9&lTIP:&9 When reporting people breaking rules when staff are offline can get you a Jr Helper rank!&c (there is no /gmc /ban /kick etc.) " if {_broadcast} = 9: broadcast "&7There is a new kingdom!&c /warp &9CGBase" if {_broadcast} = 10: broadcast "&4Our Staff applications are full!&c This means that we do not need staff at this time."
  11. command /food: cooldown: 1 day cooldown message: &cYou must wait 1 day before claiming your daily food again! trigger: execute console command "give %player% cooked_beef 32" send "&aYou have claimed your daily food!" to player #im a solo skripter i had no other players test this i tested it on myself, if anything is wrong with it i apologize.
  12. you can go to https://skunity.com/ then go to downloads and you should see multiple versions of skript 2.7.0 is what i see so i would download that for it is the newest version. But it could be different for you
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