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  1. Why do I get warned for this, it didn't even say "This post hasn't been responded to in over a month" like what. Minehut, I did not know about this warning like how strict is this hosting getting?? $0.01 staff team
  2. The Captcha servers may have been taken down for a little or there are not enough and that there are other people in other Captcha Servers. Or it may be a bug and Minehut was not fully ready with the Captcha Servers. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me!
  3. Maybe you shouldn't leak your password to others wether it is a friend or not. There is always a possibility of your server being taken if you share your passwords. With your password, they can steal your account. Your server sadly cannot come back unless Minehut Support believes you and helps you get your minehut account.
  4. First off, is your server free? If Yes Try upgrading your server because it may be overloaded with plugins or other things. If No You may have added to many plugins to your server, try using Skript or other simple plugins that dont use much RAM. If you have any questions, feel free to reply to my message, or join my club which has a questions forum.
  5. I want to make a skript so I can teleport to somewhere else
  6. Try downloading the plugin you're trying to use from and external site and drop it in the plugins folder in file manager.
  7. I would prefer 4 GB & 40 GB disk space bc it lets you get more add-ons for your server.
  8. Would you rather questions..
  9. So I found this skript and i put it in my script but I tried to add more now what am I doing wrong? every 2 minutes: set {_broadcast} to random integer between 1 and 10 if {_broadcast} = 1: broadcast "&9&lTIP: &9Use /tpr to go to a random place!" if {_broadcast} = 2: broadcast "&cMake sure to vote here! <link:https://best-minecraft-servers.co/server-phrasestaff-city.17541/vote>Click here." if {_broadcast} = 3: broadcast "&2Please favourite the game and share it with others! It will support us" if {_broadcast} = 4: broadcast "&6Inflation comes to this game!&c Sadly, you now have to buy ranks on the website &9 (phrasestnetwork.tebex.io)&4Do Not&c give the papers to a staff member." if {_broadcast} = 5: broadcast "&c&lPlease read the rules!&c There are certain immidiate ban rules and it could happen to &2you!" if {_broadcast} = 6: broadcast "&aThank you for playing the game.&9 If you would like to visit our online store go to &6www.phrasestnetwork.tebex.io" if {_broadcast} = 7: broadcast "&bBuying ranks on the website support us and help us grow. &6 If you would like to help us grow, please /ad PhraseSTCity in the lobby!" if {_broadcast} = 8: broadcast "&9&lTIP:&9 When reporting people breaking rules when staff are offline can get you a Jr Helper rank!&c (there is no /gmc /ban /kick etc.) " if {_broadcast} = 9: "&7There is a new kingdom!&c /warp &9CGBase" if {_broadcast} = 10: broadcast "&4Our Staff applications are full!&c This means that we do not need staff at this time."
  10. Coming Online into PhraseSTCity.minehut.gg soon!

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