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  1. if ur using a free server u need more ram if that keeps happening
  2. you would be fine ive hacked in the lobby before theres no anticheat
  3. heres my code help pls command /sugar <string>: permission: op permission message: "&b&l[SUGAR SMP]: &4&lYou cannot type "/sugar" " trigger: if arg-1 is "Levitation": give 1 of glow sugar named "&3&lLevitation &b&lSugar" to the player
  4. Litterly like nothing works at all if you need detail mail me.
  5. Nice, please let me know when you are done.
  6. u need permissions btw like get luckperms command /ta [<text>]: permission: admin.tools permission message: You shall &4&lNot &7&rPass! trigger: execute console command "/clear %player%" execute console command "/mail send dantdm18320 %player% has used the &e&lADMIN TOOLS &r&a Program &rfor the reason &2%arg-1%" give player diamond axe named "&a&kH&r&c&lBan &4&lHammer&a&kH&r" give player stick named "&5&kP&r&c&lMute&5&kP&r" give player netherite ingot named "&a&kP&r&b&lKick Player&a&kP&r" set slot 8 of player's inventory to barrier named "&cExit" set slot 3 of player's inventory to iron bars named "&6&lPurgatory &c&lPlayer" set slot 4 of player's inventory to book named "&a&lJudge &c&lPlayer" set slot 5 of player's inventory to diamond named "&a&lWarn Player" on damage: if attacker's weapon is diamond axe named "&a&kH&r&c&lBan &4&lHammer&a&kH&r": execute console command "/ban %victim%" send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully banned!" to attacker on damage: if attacker's weapon is stick named "&5&kP&r&c&lMute&5&kP&r": execute console command "mute %victim%" send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully muted" to attacker on damage: if attacker's weapon is netherite ingot named "&a&kP&r&b&lKick Player&a&kP&r": execute console command "kick %victim%" send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully Kicked!" to attacker on right-click: if event-item is barrier named "&cExit": execute console command "/clear %player%" send "&cExited the &e&lADMIN TOOLS &r&aprogram." on damage: if attacker's weapon is iron bars named "&6&lPurgatory &c&lPlayer": execute console command "/purgatory %victim%" send "&a(TA)&c: &2Sent them to &6Purgatory&c!" to attacker on damage: if attacker's weapon is book named "&a&lJudge &c&lPlayer": execute console command "/jail %victim% court" send "&a(TA)&c: &2Sent them to &6Court&c!" to attacker execute console command "/warp court %attacker%" send "&c(&a!&c)&6: &cYou are now in court." to victim on damage: if attacker's weapon is diamond named "&a&lWarn Player": execute console command "/warn %victim% AdminTools Warn" send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully Warned!" to attacker
  7. with this error it shuts down every like hour
  8. So i want pvp for only moderators any perms for this? help
  9. This has been happening since yesterday idk why but i cant get plugins and its annoying me any feedback?
  10. I would suggest a plugin such as kiteboard instead of skript so, try that.
  11. currently making a server



    my website ---- lunarboxpvp1.tebex.io

    very simple okay

  12. so first set a jail so do /setjail purgatory ok then in skripts make a skript named purgatory.sk ok paste this in it. command /purgatory [<player>] [<text>]: permission: purgban.use permission message: You shall &4&lNot &7&rPass! usage: Usage: [<player>] [<reason>] trigger: send "&cSent them to purgatory." to player execute console command "clear %arg-1%" execute console command "/jail %arg-1% purgatory 1m" give stone axe named "&ePrison Axe" to arg-1 give compass named "&cRequest another stone axe" to arg-1 send "&c You are in purgatory." to arg-1 send "&eMine the pumpkins and shear them to be released." to arg-1 give shears named "&dPrison Knife" to arg-1 wait 1 second send "&c You are free to mine now!" to arg-1 send "&eAlso the reason for your jail was &c%arg-2% &edo /mail send dantdm18320 (complaint) if you think this is wrong." to arg-1 on rightclick with compass: if name of tool of player is "&cRequest another stone axe": give stone axe named "&ePrison Axe" to player give shears named "&dPrison Knife" to player send "&aSuccess!" to player
  13. Hello, this is a owner of a server named LunarBoxPvp1 I would like a custom armor plugin if anyone can create this for free?
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