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  1. This is the skript i already have (this is not mine i got it from another person :)) Please help me make it so when i blacklist an item it blacklists it in shulkers aswell I also need it so they cant just make it lower durability then dupe it please and thank you! Variables: {dupedelay.%player%} = true command /dupe [<text>]: #delay is 0 seconds you can change it from line 19 trigger: if arg 1 is not set: if player has permission "dupedelay.bypass": if {blockeditems::*} contains player's tool: send "&cYou can't dupe this item!" to player else: give player's tool to player else: if {dupedelay.%player%} is true: if {blockeditems::*} contains player's tool: send "&cYou can't dupe this item!" to player else: give player's tool to player set {dupedelay.%player%} to false wait 0 seconds # change the delay set {dupedelay.%player%} to true else: send "&cYou have to wait before using that command again!" to player if arg 1 is "add" or "block": if player has permission "dupe.add" or "dupe.block": if {blockeditems::*} contains player's tool: send "&bThis item is already blocked." to player else: add player's tool to {blockeditems::*} send "&aSucesfully added &e%player's tool% &afrom blocked items." to player else: send "&cYou don't have permission for that command!" if arg 1 is "remove" or "unblock": if player has permission "dupe.remove" or "dupe.unblock": if {blockeditems::*} contains player's tool: remove player's tool from {blockeditems::*} send "&cSucesfully removed &e%player's tool% &cfrom blocked items." to player else: send "&bThis item is not blocked." to player else:
  2. Hey the shulker box blacklist doesn't work for me for some reason do you know why i have all the plugins that u use these are all the plugins i use: EDIT: I just noticed that i didnt have skquery ima see if it works now
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