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Lapzzo last won the day on April 17 2023

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    i got a problem with the %fishing state% line, may u help?


  2. Hello Minehut! I have not been on Minehut for a while, and am planning to make a return. Before I return, I wanted to have a quick chat with the community. Since ive been gone, major things have happened in the AI world. For example, company OpenAI, has realised DALL.E which can turn word prompts into images, within seconds! Another major thing that has happened with AI is ChatGPT. If you dont know what ChatGPT is, its an Artificial Intelligence Chat bot. This gives people ways to do things faster and more efficient then any human can. Another useful feature ChatGPT holds is coding and programming. I have been playing around in different languages, and the thought came to me today, "can GPT do Skripting?" I tried it, and surprisingly it could! I tried a simple prompt, Can you make it so if the player types /hello and is standing on blue wool, they get launched and get sent the message &d&lWEEEE! And it responded, Yes, I can help you create a Skript script that will launch a player and send them a message if they are standing on blue wool and type the command "/hello". Here's an example script that should accomplish this: on command "hello": if player is standing on blue wool: set {_player} to player wait 1 tick {_player} add velocity 0, 3, 0 send "&d&lWEEEE!" to {_player} This surprised me, as I didnt expect it to do skripting. This is just a simple request, but im pretty sure it could do more advanced Skripts. I came here to ask, Whats your opinion on this Minehut?
  3. Hello! I am just returning to minehut (maybe for longer this time) after a few year break. I am not sure if there is any plugins, but there probably is. To make up for this, I made a skript that gives you the behaviour you intended for. on death of player: drop skull of player
  4. I do not think you can delete a server, but you can do something similar. By heading to world - reset world on your dashboard, you can turn the world into a fresh, new world and to change the name, you press change name near your server icon on the dashboard.
  5. Hey, I recomend that you install the plugin and put it into your plugins folder if you want to use it. If what you want is adding your plugin to the addons section, I am not sure of the chance of that happening but I am not a minehut admin so dont take my answer as a no.
  6. Lapzzo


    Havent used skript in nearly a year, what do you want the players to get every 5 minutes? This is the skript if you want to add something on join: wait 5 minutes while player is online: #Add what you want to happen here like a give command or any other thing wait 5 minutes
  7. Hey, I used to play Minehut and minecraft basically everyday and ive now stopped playing minehut which eventually led me to quitting minecraft - because of my boredem. I came onto the forums to see everything but nothing seems the same anymore. I am aware of the drastic changes done to minehut within this year but everything related with minehut feels less then it used to be. Even on the forums, there seems to not be alot of posts and not alot of people. All recent stuff is mostly necroposting without anything being taken down or anything. I also have seen that the new moderation system is not the best compared to before. Should I return to minehut / minehut forums?
  8. I havent been on minehut in quite long, but skript is the only plugin that lets you do anything you want without focussing on a certain thing. For example, when you use the plugin 'LuckyPerms', you can mostly only do permission with it since thats what the plugin is about. With skript, you can do that plus anything else you want
  9. I havent went on a minehut server in like 2 months but I think theres a plugin named WorldGuard on minehut and you can select a region with world edit and do some commands. I forgot what command but you can research WorldGuard yourself if you want
  10. nether mobs in general that arent ghasts
  11. Lapzzo


    do you live in the philippines or usa?
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