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Everything posted by AbusingNub

  1. I live in New Zealand and it required no currency change. When purchasing the credits it should automatically charge 50 USD worth of your local currency. Hope this helped
  2. Most likely the plugin is corrupted or contains an issue, therefore Minehut is running into an error when uploading it. I ran into this issue when working on a server, and I simply found another plugin that did the same job, worked flawlessly.
  3. I would suggest you investigate in getting a similar file to do the same job, or attempting to determine if there is an issue regarding the file.
  4. When attempting to upload a plugin the same issue occurred, though I found another plugin and it worked flawlessly. I have now since uploaded many plugins with no issues. I believe some files may be corrupted or have issues inside, therefore Minehut is having an error when uploading it.
  5. Hey! Would really suggest checking out this. Hope this helps
  6. Hi! DiscordSRV already offers a in-game voice chat, you can hear players close to you, or configure the plugin how you like! Would suggest checking that out, or adding the plugin to your server yourself! Minehut recently allowed adding custom plugins to your Minehut server, if interested check out this tutorial!
  7. Did a little searching and found another post discussing the same issue awhile back. Their method is the "Repair Files" button, which in my case also helped me when my server had issues starting. Try following the message below I am not at fault for any damaged file, Server loss, or any loss valuable item/thing, or build upon repairing files. This may cause server loss. I suggest downloading your world, and making sure you can safe important configs. Please do not show hateful comments. I'm just a Forums Support Member. From the main panel you can see the lowest tab, It's called "Danger Zone" Once you click on that tab you may see the following options, "Force Stop" Don't click this it Immediately stops your server and puts it into hibernation. Next to it you'll see "Reset Server" DO NOT Click that for this issue it completely deletes and resets your entire server. What you are looking for is "Repair Files" it repairs core files that are preventing the server from starting. This should fix your issue if not please reply for further support! Otherwise I suggest you contact support. - Also this post should be posted in the "HELP" forum section.
  8. I agree, I think a-lot of Minehut players wish there were more options to choose from, but I think it comes down to the core player-base. We have to accept that the core Minehut player-base must enjoy gen-servers due to their constant popularity. Though, I am happy to work alongside you in brining attention to other servers in different categories
  9. command /sell: trigger: set {_prismarine} to amount of prismarine in player's inventory add {_prismarine}*50000 to player's balance send "You've sold %{_prismarine}% prismarine for ({_prismarine}*50000)$" remove {_prismarine} prismarine from player's inventory Hopefully this works, haven't had time to test.
  10. Make sure you are in gamemode creative when using command blocks.
  11. AbusingNub

    /ul Does not work

    Trent stated: "We removed the playerserver plugin which is what added /worlds, /dl and /ul with the custom plugins and file manager update. We needed to do this because we can no longer keep a plugin maintained on servers, especially as we add more server versions and types. With the file manager update, you can more easily upload and download directly on the website now."
  12. My Prediction: Live Console Custom Versions + Addon Panel Server Networks
  13. Hi! While you wait to see if this plugin gets added, you can add the plugin to your server directly from the server file manager! You can actually upload any custom plugin you want now. Goodluck friend!
  14. Few things to check Have you checked whether or not the server is whitelisted? Here are a few whitelist commands you can use Turn off whitelist: /whitelist off Turn on whitelist: /whitelist on Add user to whitelist: /whitelist add {name} Next is a simple one, just make sure the server name is spelt correctly. Though it's simple, it catches me out a few times. Hope these fix your issue so you can enjoy your Minehut experience with your friend on their server! If these didn't fix the issue, I'm sure another forum user will have a fix to your issue.
  15. How to play! Simply comment what you put into the vending machine, another user below will reply what you got for it, and then say what they put into the vending machine. Example: Steve: I put a gen server into the vending machine Trent: You got a-lot of competition from the vending machine I put Minehut Unleashed into the vending machine Let's carry on from the example! Continue from what the fake 'Trent' said
  16. Saw that many users were needing assistance regarding this feature so decided to create a 'RIP OFF' community FAQ. Hopefully this helps out some users. Thanks for reading! Also in the future would love for this to be moved or reposted to the 'COMMUNITY FAQ' section.
  17. MINEHUT COMMUNTIY FAQ HOW TO UPLOAD/USE CUSTOM PLUGINS Requirements: None Difficulty: Easy Information Regarding Custom Plugins: Minehut unleashed has opened up a new world of possibilities for servers on the network. One feature which will be new to many Minehut users, is the chance to upload and use custom plugins outside of the default Minehut plugin directory. With the following tutorial we hope you can create the Minehut server of your dreams. Initial note before starting: The plugin in which you intend to use must be accessible from your devices files (as you upload directly from your device to Minehut). How to upload and use a custom plugin within your Minehut server: Start your Minehut server from HERE. Once your server is online navigate to the 'FILE MANAGER' button (Click it). In the file navigation section navigate to the 'plugins' button (Click it). Now click on the 'Upload File' symbol (Media file of symbol attached). Select the plugin file from your device. Click the 'UPLOAD' button to complete the uploading process. Restart server to see the plugin within your server.
  18. AbusingNub

    Own Plugins

    To upload a custom plugin to your server follow the steps below. Start your server (To gain access to the 'FILE MANAGER') Once started navigate to the 'FILE MANAGER' section You will see the file menu with home, cache, downloads, plugins, etc. Click on the 'plugins' Simply click on the upload file symbol (Media screenshot attached) Now simply upload your plugin file (Must be downloaded on your device to do this, as you upload it to your Minehut directly from your device) Hope this helps
  19. If the website doesn't work for you, you could try adding playerserver plugin to your server, or use another plugin that does the same job.
  20. Trent stated: "We removed the playerserver plugin which is what added /worlds, /dl and /ul with the custom plugins and file manager update. We needed to do this because we can no longer keep a plugin maintained on servers, especially as we add more server versions and types. With the file manager update, you can more easily upload and download directly on the website now."
  21. Go to the Minehut server dashboard, click on plugins, then simply search worldedit. Hope this helped.
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