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Everything posted by AbusingNub

  1. The plugin must be corrupted or unreadable, happened to be before, simply find another plugin that does the same job and upload that. I had that issue did a bit of searching and found another plugin that does the same job, uploaded it, and it worked fine!
  2. Hey! I would suggest contacting support: https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001333733-Minehut
  3. The commands are no longer available due to the plugin 'PlayerServer' being removed.
  4. Sure! Do the following commands /gamerule doWeatherCycle false /gamrule doDaylightCycle false Hope this helps!
  5. Options: prefix1: #Server-name every 5 real minutes: make console execute command "{command_name}" command /{command_name}: executable by: console trigger: broadcast "{broadcast message}" Very easily configurable to suit any broadcast need Let me know if you need any more help. Edit: You can use bukkit colour codes to make your server prefix and broadcast more fancy
  6. Matrix with custom configuration works great for a Minehut anticheat, otherwise you can upload your own!
  7. You can use a permissions plugin such as LuckPerms. This plugin allows you to edit the permissions players have on your server, and gives you the ability to create ranks, staff roles, etc. Simply google {plugin} permission nodes, and place the permission nodes in to the (in this case) default group. Hope this helped
  8. AbusingNub


    Hey! This might help you out:
  9. Yes, Switch players can connect. They should be able to connect with the following details: IP: bedrock.minehut.com PORT: Default Also follow this tutorial
  10. Some of these will help your situation
  11. Are you using a cracked account? You need an offical paid account from the offical Minecraft website, Minehut does not support cracked accounts.
  12. Hey! Use method two Hope this helps
  13. The command is /mv create <name of world> normal -g VoidGen:ocean -t flat
  14. You can always completely restart your server, this will set your server to a default beginning server on MInehut, sadly you will lose all your progress on development and in-game progress on the current server
  15. No problem! I found the permission list online, I will post the link soon, currently very busy
  16. Why didn't EssentialsX work? Any errors?
  17. AbusingNub


  18. Attempted to upload a screenshot of the permissions but wasn't allowed due to it haven't to be checked by a moderator. So spent some time typing it out for you, if this helped please mark this reply as the answer Thanks. - Command: /ur - Description: Displays the help menu of this plugin. - Command: /uranvil - Description: Opens the repair interface. - Permission Node: ultimaterepairing.rpanvil - Command: /ur reload - Description: Reloads the Configuration and Language files for UltimateRepairing. - Permission Node: ultimaterepairing.admin - Command: /ur settings - Description: Opens the in-game settings GUI for UltimateRepairing. - Permission Node: ultimaterepairing.admin - Description: Allows players to repair items with XP levels. - Permission Node: ultimaterepairing.use.xp - Description: Allows players to repair items with ECO balance. - Permission Node: ultimaterepairing.use.eco - Description: Allows players to repair items in exchange for other items. - Permission Node: ultimaterepairing.use.item - Description: Allows players to toggle an anvil between eco and levels. - Permission Node: ultimaterepairing.mode - Description: Gives the ability to create UltimateRepairing anvils (only required if Perms-Only is enabled in the config). - Permission Node: ultimaterepairing.permplace Sorry for it being messy, I tried to make it as clean and easy to read as possible. Hope this helps out!
  19. Currently no, you can only read the latest logs in file manager or running '/dl logs' in the in-game chat.
  20. Hey. Would you mind sharing your recent logs from when this occurred.
  21. Simply click on the 'home' button in file manager, then navigate to the search bar, use this and type in 'bukkit.yml'. From there just click on the file that appears in the box below. Hope this helps Could you please mark this as the answer if this works for you.
  22. I will quickly check for you
  23. Sadly no, I would suggest just doing small portions of a large scale operation. For example do your massive worldedit in 4 smaller worldedit commands. If this helped, please mark it as the answer Let me know if you need any further help.
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