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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Try to reset the config Minehut Dashboard > Plugins > TuSKe > Reset Config If that does not work try uininstalling, restart server, reinstall, and restart once more
  2. Admin Build Prevention command /BuildMode: permission: SW.Build permission message: &cInsufficent Permission trigger: if {BuildMode.%player%} is not set: set {BuildMode.%player%} to true send "&aYou have enabled build mode! You can now interact with your surroundings. &2Type /BuildMode again to disable!" to player else if {BuildMode.%player%} is false: set {BuildMode.%player%} to true send "&aYou have enabled build mode! You can now interact with your surroundings. &2Type /BuildMode again to disable!" to player else if {BuildMode.%player%} is true: set {BuildMode.%player%} to false send "&cYou have disabled Build Mode! You can no longer build or break blocks. &4Type /BuildMode again to enable!" to player on break: if {BuildMode.%player%} is false: if player has permission "SW.Build": cancel event send "&cYou cannot break anything! Type /BuildMode to enable breaking/placing blocks!" to player on place: if {BuildMode.%player%} is false: if player has permission "SW.Build": cancel event send "&cYou cannot place anything! Type /BuildMode to enable breaking/placing blocks!" to player Ever accidently break stuff while playing a gamemode? Type /Buildmode to enable/disable building for you and you only!
  3. Pryzmm

    Cant make myself Op

    Please dont necropost on servers that are 1+ months old
  4. Patron is a better rank you poopie child
  5. congrats on 100 posts

  6. Pryzmm

    Cant make myself Op

    What commands are you trying to do?
  7. If the server hasn't completely started up, some files wouldn't be shown yet. If someone did somehow do this, they would need access to the console. I think you'll have to completely reset the server.
  8. Pryzmm

    to play a game

    Your server ip should be (ServerName).minehut.gg, to connect to the lobby, the ip is minehut.com
  9. This has been happening to a lot of players recently. My guess is that it has something to do with the new 1.16.5 update in minecraft.
  10. Pryzmm

    My server won't start

    Ive been getting the exact same issue, i dont know what to do about it
  11. With TuSKe, you can do: on anvil combine: cancel event send "Anvils Are Disabled!" to player
  12. Now i know, people have said to repair core files, or check the logs. ive done both with no luck. Heres whats in the logs when i TRY to start it. [19:21:53] [main/FATAL]: Failed to start the minecraft server com.google.gson.JsonParseException: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1 path $ at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.ChatDeserializer.a(SourceFile:495) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.ChatDeserializer.a(SourceFile:545) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.ChatDeserializer.a(SourceFile:541) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.ChatDeserializer.a(SourceFile:549) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.GeneratorSettings.a(SourceFile:217) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServerProperties.<init>(DedicatedServerProperties.java:117) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServerProperties.load(DedicatedServerProperties.java:122) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServerSettings.<init>(DedicatedServerSettings.java:17) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.Main.main(Main.java:64) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main.main(Main.java:276) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] Caused by: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 1 path $ at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.syntaxError(JsonReader.java:1559) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.checkLenient(JsonReader.java:1401) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.doPeek(JsonReader.java:593) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader.peek(JsonReader.java:425) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$29.read(TypeAdapters.java:716) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$29.read(TypeAdapters.java:714) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$35$1.read(TypeAdapters.java:910) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.ChatDeserializer.a(SourceFile:493) ~[server.jar:git-Paper-"36d7de3"] ... 9 more I can't make a lick of sense of what this means.
  13. The only thing i got from a bunch of a decryption codes that made... something... was "SaJ`g"
  14. Check your server logs when the server goes offline, see if there is anything there.
  15. Pryzmm

    Online mode

    Can you please explain more?
  16. At the moment i dont think there is a way to check for recently joined servers. You can favorite a server by right-clicking it on the server list.
  17. Whoever is following you is most likely doing /find chitraksh (or whatever your IGN is). To disable this, you can go to the lobby or any server and type /settings. If they are still following you, make sure the player is on tab, it could be a /tellraw command, and you can check the logs on the website to see if anything suspicious is happening. You can also whitelist your server by doing /whitelist on, then doing /whitelist add (players) Hope these tips help! (also dont post this in skript discussion and this is not related to it at all)
  18. love how noone notices that @vonvon2005 necroposted
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