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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. I already tried this, its an integer
  2. me again i need help again. Im using vault to try and make a shop but it keeps saying i have insufficent funds loop {Gens::*}: set {_GenID} to loop-index set {_GenType} to loop-value clear {Shop::*} add {Gens::*} to {Shop::*} set {_DropID} to {GenDrops::%{_GenID}%} set {_SellValue} to {GenSell::%{_GenID}%} set {_BuyValue} to {GenBuy::%{_GenID}%} set {_Slot} to {_GenID} - 1 format gui slot {_Slot} of player with {_GenType} named "" with lore "&6Buy Gen: &e%{_BuyValue}%&e$" and "&6Sell Per Drop: &e%{_SellValue}%&e$" to run: if player's balance >= {_BuyValue}: remove {_BuyValue} from player's balance give player loop-value send "{@Prefix} &aPurchase Successful!" to player else: send "{@Prefix} &cNot enough funds!" to player if {_Slot} = 44: stop loop format gui slot 49 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to close
  3. As far as i know yes
  4. This might sound a bit confusing but... The chance event doesnt work like you think. Theres a chance for every single reward so you're going to get some rewards, or if you're unlucky, none. Use: set {_variable1} to a random element out of {variable2::*} add all your rewards to variable2. heres an example: add "2 of tripwire hook named ""&a{@ukey}"" with lore ""&8Use this to open &aUncommon Crate"" to {variable2::*}
  5. This is not your skript, please post original skripts here
  6. geez dont make like 10 posts in less than 2 minutes
  7. I dont know why but these couple of lines crash my server. Nothing loads and eventually it stops. on join: while player is online: if {GensToggled} is true: # Variable checks if gens are enabled or not loop {GenSpeed} times: # amount of seconds to wait wait 1 second loop {GenLocations::%player%::*}: # finds all gen locations set {_Number} to loop-index # ID of variable set {_DropType} to {GenDrops::%{_Number}%} # Item that drops set {_DropLocation} to loop-value's location # Location of where it drops add 1 to y coordinate of {_DropLocation} drop {_DropType} at {_DropLocation}
  8. could you give errors and/or your skript addons?
  9. Update: something in my skript is causing this that doesnt happen until TuSKe is installed Update 2: Theres something with my skript thats causing the issue, only thing that comes to mind is the while loop, but that loops only every 5 seconds Update 3: after close inspection is was after all the issue, could someone help me?
  10. Below are the logs, idk what they mean so help me pls
  11. I changed my default world to world2 but its doing the same thing
  12. Im glad you're using my anticheat, i didn't know Skellet would interfere with it.
  13. try set {_} to item amount of diamonds in player's inventory
  14. Has this happened with anyone else?
  15. For some reason when i went to install the plugin TuSKe, after restarting my server it just broke. No joke. Start up the server, get stuck for bout 20 seconds, then stops. Ive tried repairing core files and backing up the server but neither work. below is what I see. As you see it doesnt even load my character name or picture in tab, nor my character. Im just floating in the sky. If you wanna see for yourself IP is InHush.minehut.gg
  16. Pryzmm

    Broken Skript

    PFF just realized to, thanks
  17. Pryzmm

    Broken Skript

    Heres my new skript, i tried parsing as integer but it didnt work set {ConfirmGenReset.%player%} to random integer between 10000 and 99999 on chat: if {ResetGenSettings.%player%} is true: cancel event clear {ResetGenSettings.%player%} clear {ConfirmGenReset.%player%} set {_message} to message parsed as integer if {_message} is {ConfirmGenReset.%player%}: send "{@Prefix} &aReset all settings in config!" to player else: send "{@Prefix} &cIncorrect! Reset has been aborted!" to player
  18. For some reason no matter what i do it keeps saying "incorrect" set {ConfirmGenReset.%player%} to random integer between 10000 and 99999 on chat: if {ResetGenSettings.%player%} is true: cancel event clear {ResetGenSettings.%player%} clear {ConfirmGenReset.%player%} if message = {ConfirmGenReset.%player%}: send "{@Prefix} &aReset all settings in config!" to player else: send "{@Prefix} &cIncorrect! Reset has been aborted!" to player
  19. try "if player's balance" if you're using vault
  20. Here ya go: on break end portal frame: if event-player is sneaking: cancel event set {selectedPortal} to event-block's location send action bar "§b§lSelected portal! Do '/portal settarget' to set the portal target!" to event-player command /portal <text>: usage: &b/Portal (SetTarget) permission: portal.settarget trigger: if arg-1 is "SetTarget": set {Portals::%{selectedPortal}%} to location of event-player send action bar "§b§lPortal target set! Now just walk over it!" to event-player on walk on end portal frame: if {Portals::%event-block's location%} is not set: send action bar "§c§lThis portal does not have a target yet!" to event-player stop trigger teleport event-player to {Portals::%event-block's location%} play sound "entity.enderman.teleport" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to event-player
  21. as i said, do {portals::%event-block%::*} not {portals::event-block::*}
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