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Pryzmm last won the day on June 22

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About Pryzmm

  • Birthday October 9

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Community Answers

  1. Please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. Thanks!
  2. Make sure your plugin .jar files are in the right folder - Go to the file manager - Click on your plugins folder - Check that the .jars are there - If you haven't already, restart your server
  3. While we're happy you're thanking someone for their contribution, please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. Thanks!
  4. please send us your server logs; you can get this through the file manager on your server panel and opening the logs folder
  5. When servers are in queue, that means Minehut servers are at full capacity and that you're unable to start up your server until space opens up; you just need to be patient
  6. no, but you can always check for yourself at https://papermc.io/downloads/paper if it says 1.21, that may not mean that it's out on Minehut yet, but that it may release soon
  7. If you have a paid plan, then i suggest using your SFTP with something like FileZilla to upload your world
  8. You can report the server at https://support.minehut.com/hc/en-us/requests/new, though i'd suggest you contact the server owner first, as well as check with your bank to make sure the purchase went through.
  9. ShadowPlanet164 has never been a valid name as far as NameMC is aware; you should double check and look through your client logs to make sure you inputted the name correctly.;
  10. Have you created a support ticket about this before? I haven't seen anything like this happen to anyone before, so you should try and see if our support team can help you out Submit a request – Minehut
  11. Please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month, if you're experiencing this or a similar issue, please create a new post. Thanks!
  12. Does this apply to other servers that aren't related to Minehut? And to make sure, you're using the IP minehut.com or something similar?
  13. its likely then that your worlds/plugins get corrupted when you downgrade then
  14. I've had similiar issues before with many different problems causing it, try to check these things - Is your server out of storage? - You can check this in the "Stats" section of your Minehut panel - Could your script config file be corrupted? - If you're using HolographicDisplays, are there any holograms in invalid worlds? I'm able to provide more help if you provided log files and a plugin list
  15. - Skript cannot compare blocktypes with text - It should be 'honey block' instead of just 'honey' when describing the block - Region syntax isn't my best on block damage: if player has permission "depp": if "%region at player%" contains "build": # I don't use region syntax so this is the best I can do if event-block is oak planks, oak slab, honey block, oak fence, soul sand, glass pane, slime, trapdoor, packed ice, chain, brewing stand, candle, end rod, ladder or stone brick wall: cancel event set event-block to air
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