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Everything posted by ES63

  1. ES63

    Lock this post

    you would think they wouldnt for a long time look at the two locked posts the starfox one is by me the emptyrooms one is by emptyrooms they locked ONLY OURS
  2. To appeal go to https://minehut.com/support/form
  3. on first join: wait 1 second broadcast "&cWelcome %player% to the server!" #change to whatever you want It can be something like that
  4. i wonder why the 1.11.2 version will not work once the 1.19.2 chunks have already been loaded its bc 1.11.2 doesnt know 1.19.2 minecraft yet, so it doesnt know what to do, regenerating then erroring each chunk that you've rendered (if you've rendered a lot, say goodbye to your server (unless you reset it)) so yeah also why 1.11.2
  5. can you not do that also i think thats against the rules
  6. you can use "aliases: (etc)" so like command /broadcast <text>: aliases: bc, bcast usage: &b&l[BROADCAST] &rPlease use /broadcast <text> instead of /broadcast. permission: skript.broadcast permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to broadcast a message! trigger: broadcast "&b&lBROADCAST" broadcast "" broadcast "&6%argument 1%" oh and also you can put "broadcast colored "%arg-1%" instead of what you did and also i (used to be a popular server owner HEHE RASCALPVP)
  7. not unless you heart me first
  8. well here it is once again, lets keep this topic alive from 2022-2030 cmon we can do it its only 8 years right?? right? um
  9. Make a ticket at https://minehut.com/support/form to get help
  10. commands wont work, server is stuck in "pinging"
  11. You can join servers by putting it as an ip (servername.minehut.gg) then make sure its online
  13. Maybe they didn't see it, including the labor day break Or you just sent it at the wrong time and it got flooded with other appeals
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