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minehutman12345 last won the day on October 9 2022

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  1. For example, I want a broadcast skript that when its executed it broadcasts a message. I want it in DM's I want a Broadcast and a Broadcast world Server name is SurvivecoolM
  2. Please include: 1. A short description on it. 2 If you want it to be dms or public 3. Include at least 2 features 4. If server related, Send me the server name. 5. And lastly, If I don't reply or reply saying "I can't do it." then i cant do it.
  3. `I see a Ne- Ne- NECRO POSTER!!! Mods close!
  4. I know but I made because I think essentials one is too basic.
  5. If you don't want to download here is the full code: command /broadcast <text>: usage: &b&l[BROADCAST] &rPlease use /broadcast <text> instead of /broadcast. permission: skript.broadcast permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to broadcast a message! trigger: broadcast "&b&lBROADCAST" broadcast "" broadcast "&6%argument 1%" command /bc <text>: usage: &b&l[BROADCAST] &rPlease use /bc <text> instead of /bc. permission: skript.broadcast permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to broadcast a message! trigger: broadcast "&b&lBROADCAST" broadcast "" broadcast "&6%argument 1%" command /bcast <text>: usage: &b&l[BROADCAST] &rPlease use /bcast <text> instead of /bcast. permission: skript.broadcast permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to broadcast a message! trigger: broadcast "&b&lBROADCAST" broadcast "" broadcast "&6%argument 1%"
  6. Here is some Broadcast code i made. command /broadcast <text>: usage: &b&l[BROADCAST] &rPlease use /broadcast <text> instead of /broadcast. permission: skript.broadcast permission message: &4&lYou do not have access to broadcast a message! trigger: broadcast "&b&lBROADCAST" broadcast "" broadcast "&6%argument 1%" The file below is the full script broadcast.sk
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