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Everything posted by pnguin

  1. pnguin

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    Wdym un-og? Edit: Was too lazy to edit the screenshot to the gui only lol
  2. I'm not the best one in functions lol
  3. Damn this is cool. I couldn't make this xD
  4. Awesome skript you made there man
  5. Depends what you mean with coke
  6. Waiting 30 seconds and deleting the cooldown variable after isn't the most efficient way of doing cooldowns with skript. Edit: You could do if player does not have permission "helper" or "youtube.nick": instead of if player does not have permission "helper": if player does not have permission "youtube.nick":
  7. Recreate hypixel with skript only Jk
  8. No its my good gaming chair
  9. Probably variables or smth
  10. Yes i know. Thats the bad thing about networks because theres going to be gen networks
  11. If you credit me you can use it
  12. options: permm: &8• <##fde82e>&lServername &8☁ &7Insufficient permissions! servername: Servername command /clearchat: aliases: cc permission message: {@permm} permission: staff.cc trigger: send "%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%" to all players wait 1 second send "" to all players send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7The chat has been cleared by <##fdbc3f>%player%&7!" to all players send "" to all players command /mutechat: aliases: mc permission message: {@permm} permission: staff.mc trigger: if {mutechat} is not set: set {mutechat} to true send "" to all players send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7The chat has been muted by <##fdbc3f>%player%&7!" to all players send "" to all players stop if {mutechat} is set: delete {mutechat} send "" to all players send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7The chat has been unmuted by <##fdbc3f>%player%&7!" to all players send "" to all players command /filter [<text>] [<text>]: permission message: {@permm} permission: staff.filter trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Incorrect usage! Consider using <##fdbc3f>/filter (list/add/remove) (word)" if arg-1 = "list": send "" send " <##fde82e>Increasing &8☁ &7List of blocked words" send "" send " <##fdbc3f>%{blockedwords::*}%" send "" send "" if arg-1 = "add": if arg-2 is set: if {blockedwords::*} does not contain arg-2: add arg-2 to {blockedwords::*} send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Successfully added <##fdbc3f>%arg-2%&7 to the chat filter!" else: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ <##fdbc3f>%arg-2% &7is already in the chat filter!" else: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Incorrect usage! Consider using <##fdbc3f>/filter (list/add/remove) (word)" add arg-2 to {blockedwords::*} if arg-1 = "remove": if arg-2 is set: if {blockedwords::*} contains arg-2: remove arg-2 from {blockedwords::*} send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Successfully removed <##fdbc3f>%arg-2%&7 from the chat filter!" else: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ <##fdbc3f>%arg-2% &7is not in the chat filter!" else: send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Incorrect usage! Consider using <##fdbc3f>/filter (list/add/remove) (word)" on chat: if {mutechat} is set: if player does not have permission "staff.mc": cancel event send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7You may not talk while chat is muted!" on chat: if player does not have permission "staff.filter": set {_b} to uncolored colored message set {_b::*} to {_b} split by " " size of {blockedwords::*} > 0 loop {_b::*}: if {blockedwords::*} contains loop-value: if uncolored message contains loop-value: cancel event send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Your message has been caught by the chat filter!" send "" to all players where [input has permission "staff.filter"] send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7The chatfilter has caught the following message: &8(<##fdbc3f>%message%&8)&7 this has been sent by <##fdbc3f>%player%" to all players where [input has permission "staff.filter"] send "" to all players where [input has permission "staff.filter"] I use this on my server i am making but i decided to release it because i was bored
  13. Sus

    1. Lapzzo


      on talk:
      	if player is "skpizza":
      		cancel event
      		send "&au sus :c" to player


    2. pnguin
  14. basically "Pizza" and a small part of my irl name
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