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Everything posted by _Tarna_

  1. You need to op yourself. Do /op name in the server console. The console can be found under the appearance tab on the panel and should say "Server Commands". Also you should whitelist your server to prevent random people from joining. Just turn it on and add yourself and anyone you want to the whitelist. Only members of the whitelist can join the server.
  2. You are probably just in a different world. Since you changed your default world, you got teleported to a different world. Your other world should still be there. Do /worlds to see a list of your world then to teleport to them, do /world <world name>. Just change the default world back to your main world. Changing the level name on the panel changes the default world of the server and does not rename the world.
  3. You should go to the Marketplace category for this. https://forums.minehut.com/forum/12-marketplace/
  4. Try doing the other thing I said. Remove the plugin to see if that is making the commands not work. Or when you said the commands weren't working, did you mean the commands from the plugin or all commands. @Ice794
  5. _Tarna_

    Progress lost

    Try doing /worlds. You may have just gotten teleported to a different world from your stuff. The command will give you a list of your worlds. Then to teleport to them, do /world <world>. To fix this, just change the default world back to your world. You can do this by changing the level name in the settings panel to the name of the world you want default. Click save then restart the server.
  6. When suggesting for plugins to be added or updated, you should leave a link to them. Is this the plugin you are talking about? https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/authme It looks like the plugin hasn't been updated since 2011 so will likely not work with the new versions. But there is a reloaded version of the plugin but that hasn't been updated since April of 2019. https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/authme-reloaded
  7. This is how you set the display name of something, maybe try changing it to that. https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=2061 Also to make it invisible, you probably have to apply invisibility to it. https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=1101 And to then make it have no gravity, you need to add an nbt to it. I don't know how to do this with vanilla skript but if you have skBee, you can do this. https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=4054
  8. _Tarna_

    Progress lost?

    Do /worlds. You may have gotten teleported to a different world. To then teleport to the other worlds, do /world <world>. You need to be op to do these commands. And to fix this, just change the default world of your server to the name of the world you want. You can do this by changing the level name in the settings tab on the panel to the world name, click save and restart your server.
  9. It acted like what wasn't installed? The commandhook plugin? Try doing /pl to see if that plugin is green or red. If its red, the plugin isn't working. Maybe try removing the plugin to see if that is the cause for the commands not working. Or when you mean none of the commands are working, the commands from the plugin?
  10. Does the world name have a space in it? You cannot download the world if it has a space in it. But since you have Multiverse, you kinda can rename it. Do /mv clone "world name" newname and it will clone the world with the new name. If it says multiverse doesn't recognize the world, do /mv import "world name" normal. put normal if its a normal over world, nether if its a nether world, and end if its an end world. Then you can do the clone command. Then try downloading the cloned world.
  11. Currently, if your world is over 100mb, downloading won’t work. And if it says that, your world is probably over 100mb. This is due to file.io, the service Minehut uses for world downloading, changes their upload limit to 100 mb. In the meta discord, they said they were trying to make their own solution to downloading worlds instead of using an external host, like file.io. And maybe even downloading through the file manager.
  12. Clear your cookies and try again.
  13. _Tarna_

    Appeal plz help

    Appeal here https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/5-player-appeals/
  14. _Tarna_

    sever is bugged

    I’ve seen some other people have this same issue. They were using 1.16.2 and when they switched to 1.16.1, it fixed it. So try switching to that version and trying.
  15. _Tarna_

    600th Post

    I’ve just been stalking the what’s new page lol. And there were like a lot of people asking about their server not starting when they disabled server startups so me replying to all of them gave me a lot. Just go on the forums when the discord support channel isn’t active.
  16. _Tarna_


    Report him here. https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/6-player-reports/
  17. lol ok nice. Ya the video was taken a long time ago and the panel has changed since then.
  18. _Tarna_

    Outdated server

    Thats not what they said. They were telling them how to switch to version 1.16.1 to play.
  19. You need to start the server first. After starting your server, you should see it.
  20. The plugin might not be updated on Minehut. You can request for it to be updated here. https://forums.minehut.com/forum/20-plugins/
  21. This post was originally posted about a year ago. Don't reply to really old posts.
  22. Servers should be back @BEEPBOOP12
  23. _Tarna_

    Spigot is having issues

    Can you send your entire logs in a pastebin.com
  24. Server startups have been temporarily disabled until issues get smoothed out. Join the discord for more info. Discord.gg/minehut
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