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MinePvP Your adventure starts here! Start with a stone pickaxe and a sword and fight for upgrades! SEASON 01 OUT NOW!

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  1. What's new in this club
  2. IGN (In game username): Zonxos Why were you punished: "Extreme Discrimination" Proof that you are not guilty: I admit being guilty, I said "if we arent barbequing gays we arent barbequing". I originally said that as a joke but realize what I said was messed up and can make people in the LGBTQ community feel uncomfortable and attacked. I was saying it just to try to be funny and edgy and now realize that was not the right decision. I just am looking for another chance on the server to correct my behavior, it can be a permanent mute from the lobby, or just a shortened ban. Anything of the sort. I love minehut and will continue to stay loyal to the server. Best Regards, Zonxos Have you been punished before: No
  3. so i was trolling my friends with a p#rn hub skin but i forgot to change it. when i noticed that, i quickly logged off to do that and when i logged on i was banned. we can talk more discord:cr75ucls mc name:nitalol
  4. so i was just asking about a skript and me and this other dude were messing around. well mostly me. and somehow we went from skripts to age and i jokingly said i was 3 years old. AND I GOT BANNED? im 15 bro a 3 year old would not be asking about skript omg i was joking around and im really frustrated about the whole thing. Like cant have fun. The person knew i was older but still decided to report me and also reported me on discord. If you would like i can prove to you that im 15 by passport or any other way. Thanks.
  5. Hello i am Damir aka Denxn i was banned for a big misunderstanding, I Was banned for saying "My skin is osama Bin laden" But it was "Al Zedan" Which is an arabic guy who is a meme.
  6. IGN: _12k__ Why were you punished: Saying server name in chat accidently not do /ad Proof you are not guilty: I did not mean to send the message knowing I was going to get muted but I was tired and I don't know why I said server IP. I promise I wont do it again. Have been punished before: yes not a lot though
  7. IGN: altrax1 Why were you punished: trying to say server ip Proof that you are not guilty: i just linked my account and i tried to advertise my server, i never knew there was a /ad command, and it just told me that right after i got muted Have you been punished before: no
  8. IGN : W_duck270 Why were you punished: Someone typed something like 123 for free op so as a joke i typed 123 Proof that you are not guilty: i dont have proof but i just typed 123 and got perm banned Have you been punished before: i dont recall
  9. I changed my IGN to 69zl. i hope i could get unban
  10. IGN (In game username): Blizzardiscold Why were you punished: Saying kill the jews (my cousin did it as a "joke") Proof that you are not guilty: i dont have any proof and i barely socialise in servers stuff like this will never happen again i promise Have you been punished before: not that i know of
  11. IGN : Mr_St0rm Why were you punished : death threats Proof that you are not guilty: i wasn't giving threats in real i was talking about the anarchy/lifesteal server i would never threaten someone in real life Have you been punished before: never this is my first time
  12. IGN: Xsz4ypkxl Why were you punished: exploiting Proof that you are not guilty: i wasnt cheating my friend hacked into my account and started exploting on it Have you been punished before: Not that im aware of.
  13. IGN (In game username): FortnightBoi64 Why were you punished: DDoS, Dox, or Death threats. Forever Proof that you are not guilty: Well I play a lot of Minehut servers, and I got a lot of enemies who don't like me. Either they try to get me banned from the server, or the entire MINEHUT, I create content on social media platforms (not saying it) and I'm pretty famous compared to other Minehut BoxPvP players, I got a lot of followers, some people target me. Faking proof is very easy. I don't know what proof I have to send or anything. Please unban me, I miss minehut. Have you been punished before: Never
  14. IGN (In game username): Previously iiCum, now RandomUser3636 Why were you punished: inappropriate username Proof that you are not guilty: I have changed the name now and would like to be unbanned as my account no longer has an inappropriate name. Have you been punished before: Not that im aware of.
  15. I accidently made an advertisement without the "/ad" after buying VIP rank. i got muted for 3 days. I really hope that i can get unmuted after spending 40 dollars.
  16. IGN (In game username): dasoserevan Why were you punished: I was punished for saying "this whole pride month is about being inclusive, but all its done is been agressive" Proof that you are not guilty: I wasn't trying to be mean in any way, I saw on the chat that everyone were speaking there mind, and some more then others. I just felt like its been everywhere and I've recently had some people tell me to change my gender and I have felt a bit weird about that whole thing and it was really kinda frustrating. I didn't mean for it to come across wrong. Have you been punished before: I have never been punished/banned before on any game.
  17. notMustache_ Hate speech; Saying that i hate the gays Look, I know this already looks bad but I didn't actually mean it, I was just following the bandwagon going on in the server when people were saying they hate pride month and I found that pretty funny, even though it really isn't, so i decided to say "I HATE THE GAYS!!!" as a joke and just continue on with my day to play with a buddy of mine. I'd understand if you didn't appeal b/c it's literally hate speech. If you don't completely unban me, could you at least reduce the ban time because I think 4 weeks is a lot for just saying you hate the gays and not actually mean it, thank you. I have never been punished
  18. IGN (In game username): coolActor770 Why were you punished: banned for swearing Proof that you are not guilty: I let my little brother play on my account to play the server I was on and minehut crashed kicking him out and he started swearing in the lobby. Looked over my shoulder to see a ban screen. Wanted to play today... Have you been punished before: no
  19. btw this happened months ago I just found out today that I could appeal
  20. IGN (In game username): 74up Why were you punished: legacy Proof that you are not guilty: I said a fake ip Have you been punished before: no
  21. UPDATE Server is now un-suspended, maybe that might help with the case and proove my inocence
  22. IGN (In game username): DavidF1B Why were you punished:Using slurs and/or discriminating others Proof that you are not guilty:Everything can be faked this is irrelevant Have you been punished before:Yes
  23. IGN (In game username): pXvel Why were you punished: Slurs 1 month ban Proof that you are not guilty:Well, think about it, i have many enemies on servers, and anyone couldfake photos of me saying slurs, i assure you i have not slurred b4 and i am not that type of guy, please this is the only server i play, i have nothing else to play and i am now false banned if i can say, anyone could fake a photo of me saying something banned, i dont understand what type of proof i have to send. Have you been punished before: Never
  24. I got muted on a account named sooyeon06 and i accidently hit enter and got muted for 24hrs for flooding chat
  • Posts

    • i have a auto compressor script that doesnt work and need help fixing it so that it is easier to use and is also easier to add more onto it, would be great if someone did this! 

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]" is in offhand
              set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 oak log:
                  remove 32 oak log from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]"
              set {shinyoak wood2} to shiny oak wood named "Super Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 "Compressed Oak"  :
                  remove 32 "Compressed Oak" from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood2}

    • i did that and the code worked, but not as intended, i was wondering if anyone could fix this code so that all i need to do is get a compass name it and when it is in offhand it will compress every block in the game (that i choose), if anyone can fix this code and make it so i can just copy and paste it multiple times to add the new blocks and just have to change the block names etc -

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]" is in offhand
              set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 oak log:
                  remove 32 oak log from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

      on script load:
          while item named "Auto Compressor [T1]"
              set {shinyoak wood2} to shiny oak wood named "Super Compressed Oak"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 32 "Compressed Oak"  :
                  remove 32 "Compressed Oak" from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood2}

      Edited by Lezyfr
    • 1. Go to your servers file directory, and open the plugins folder 
      2. Locate and open the skript folder
      3. Open the "Scripts" folder that is within the skript folder
      4. Create a new file and name it anything with you want, however add a .sk to the name. (example.sk) - then click save
      5. Open the newly created .sk file, and begin skripting!

      Once done, type /sk reload example.sk to apply the changes, as well as it will tell you if there is any errors.

    • this is the code - 

      on script load:
          set {shinyoak wood} to shiny oak wood named "<##3C3005>&lc<##403206>&lo<##443406>&lm<##483607>&lp<##4B3808>&lr<##4F3A09>&le<##533C09>&ls<##573E0A>&ls<##5B3F0B>&le<##5F410B>&ld<##63430C>&l <##66450D>&lw<##6A470E>&lo<##6E490E>&lo<##724B0F>&ld"
      every 1 ticks:
          loop players:
              if loop-player has 16 oak log:
                  remove 16 oak log from loop-player's inventory
                  give loop-player {shinyoak wood}

    • Ive done that all and tested it a few times just now but it still isnt working for some reason, i dont know if its because theres multiple mods in one zip folder?

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