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A challenge


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So ive been watching a lot of cryptography and such on youtube lately, and i decided to make my own little puzzle.

For the first person to solve it i will *personally* buy them VIP (or give vip to a member of their choice if they choose)

Anyways, heres the puzzle, the answer is a single string of characters:



good luck


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I'm gonna take a look at it eventually.

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On 8/29/2019 at 11:38 PM, JackJack33 said:

So ive been watching a lot of cryptography and such on youtube lately, and i decided to make my own little puzzle.

For the first person to solve it i will *personally* buy them VIP (or give vip to a member of their choice if they choose)

Anyways, heres the puzzle, the answer is a single string of characters:



good luck


I'm gonna be completely honest... 

I'm clueless 😂

  JR.MOD  August 1st, 2019              Reports & Appeals Team Lead  ↩              MOD  October 1st, 2019

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Don't call it a challenge if all it is is opening it up in gedit.

"youreacoolpersonthanksforplaying" appears on line 5.

I was sat there for about 5 minutes taking the hex values and trying to convert them to text then realising i should check this...

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