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Downloading Server Files



I've had my server for a little more than a month and my friends and I are looking into getting a dedicated server that we can manage on our own. We all love the convenience of Minehut, and we've had such a fun time using their provided servers but we think we want to move on to a dedicated server. We have had a few tossups with Minehut in the past, (hackers griefing our world and our servers being hard reset for no reason). Likely because of this, we've made the decision to get a safer and more secure server. Our only issue is that we don't know how to download files to transport them to another server.

I'm making this post to find out if there is any way to download server files/transport them to another location. I'd prefer if we could have the same server we've spent a lot of time on transported to a safer location. If anyone can help me at, that would be greatly appreciated!

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25 minutes ago, Beares said:

I've had my server for a little more than a month and my friends and I are looking into getting a dedicated server that we can manage on our own. We all love the convenience of Minehut, and we've had such a fun time using their provided servers but we think we want to move on to a dedicated server. We have had a few tossups with Minehut in the past, (hackers griefing our world and our servers being hard reset for no reason). Likely because of this, we've made the decision to get a safer and more secure server. Our only issue is that we don't know how to download files to transport them to another server.

I'm making this post to find out if there is any way to download server files/transport them to another location. I'd prefer if we could have the same server we've spent a lot of time on transported to a safer location. If anyone can help me at, that would be greatly appreciated!

Not sure if transportation of files is supported by minehut

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