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Everything posted by Lapzzo

  1. I think its the only way. Sos I cant post, I am gonna have a race to 500 with @Razaire tomorrow.

  2. Im not sure if you can, but skripting a tab with luck perms ranks are easy, if you need one, tell me and I will make a tab skript with any skript variable you want and luck perm ranks (if you want them). Also tell me how you want them
  3. For now the only way to join an uploaded world is by setting it to the highest level world. Go to your server settings, and go to level world then put the name of the world including the ul_
  4. /world got removed, but will be added back later
  5. multiverse does not detect worlds uploaded.
  6. I wont post anymore today. me and @Razaire are gonna have a race to 500 posts and we both have to start with 418 posts.
  8. Omg I didnt know you were that smart! ur prob more smarter then steven hawking!
  9. If you were or are active gang reply down below!
  10. You can only reply if you were or are active rank on minehut forums!
  11. I recommend doing what @CoolProgrammer advised then paste it into pastebin and send the link here. We can check whats going on with your server with the logs.
  12. Its okay, please dont do it anymore tho (hes not breaking minehut rules, hes breaking the race rules)
  13. Yeah I prob should've edited it instead of making another post
  14. I wanna buy a domain for my server, is it a one time purchase or..
  15. I wanna buy a domain for my server, is it a one time purchase or..
  16. No one answered it. Im just trying to see what errors are happening
  17. Yeah, not tested but it looks correct
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