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Everything posted by Yo_The_pro19

  1. So your command /prefix [<text>] [<text>]: Let's say your banning some one First, your text would have to be changed to player or offline player then use arg-1 or arg-2 Examples Ban arg-1 Execute console command "time set %arg-1%" give arg-1 apple named "&cArgument" To refer back to your argument in like a broadcast or a variable do %arg-1% Examples: send "&b%arg-1% is my first argument" Set {argument} to "%arg-1%" hope this helps
  2. You are using send use broadcast instead and try that
  3. Tuske is broken in the new update use a vinilla gui
  4. On damage: If victim is named "&aZombie boss": Set {lastdamage.%uuid of attacker%} to now remove bossbar "damage.%uuid of attacker%" set {_health} to health of victim set {_healthmax} to max health of victim set {_healthmaxtot} to {_health} / {_healthmax} * 100 create bossbar titled "&7&lZombie boss" and id "damage.%uuid of attacker%" for attacker with progress {_healthmaxtot} with colors red wait 10 seconds set {_waited} to difference between {lastdamage.%uuid of attacker%} and now if {_waited} is more than 9.5 seconds: remove bossbar "damage.%uuid of attacker%" Just name the boss: &aZombie boss
  5. Sorry if I can't do it I'm bad at skript I only know simple things
  6. It's is possible Ill start working on it but what is the bosses name?
  7. You have arg-2 with no arguments Here command /super <offline player>:   aliases: /pic   executable by: players   cooldown: 3 hours   cooldown message: "&4You must wait until the cooldown is up"   trigger: give iron_pickaxe with nbt"{Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:'[{"text":"Altropia\'s iron pickaxe","italic":false,"color":"aqua"}]'},Enchantments:[{id:efficiency,lvl:255},{id:fortune,lvl:10}],HideFlags:5}" to arg-1 send "&aGiven &6Altropia's iron pickaxe to &3%arg-1%"
  8. On mine: If event-block is end stone: If player does not have permission "op" Cancel event
  9. But the Christmas sale didn't end till January?
  10. I'll try get on today and start coding for different areas
  11. Here's the commands: Plugin: /hdb search id:50750 Vinilla in a command block: /give @p minecraft:player_head{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Sculk Shrieker\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-1826771982,2032486645,-1489617490,1150198639],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmIyZDkxYmJmM2NlNWY5MTQ4ZTczOWVlYjA5NjFmMmJhODRiYTQwNmFkMmNhNjcyNDlhNTUzYjhiODE0MzdhNSJ9fX0="}]}}} 1 If you have essentials installed command block: /minecraft:give @p minecraft:player_head{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"Sculk Shrieker\"}"},SkullOwner:{Id:[I;-1826771982,2032486645,-1489617490,1150198639],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmIyZDkxYmJmM2NlNWY5MTQ4ZTczOWVlYjA5NjFmMmJhODRiYTQwNmFkMmNhNjcyNDlhNTUzYjhiODE0MzdhNSJ9fX0="}]}}} 1
  12. Do you have the plug-in or are you doing it vanilla
  13. So basically I was I my server and someone won vip+ so console gave them a bunch of perks and one was flight. Can anyone make a skript that declines Fly is certain worlds. Like the world spleef would decline it if you did /fly or you tried to fly
  14. Hello can I pls have the command /acfind <player> and it says %player% is in <multiverse world> And when u click the player it TPS to them but if u click the world it does /mvtp %world%
  15. Command /setspawn: Permission: op Trigger: Set {spawn} to players location Command /spawn Trigger: Teleport player to {spawn}
  16. Can someone please make me a skript auto responder so when i say something it says something back pls thx
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