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  1. It should deal damage to player if it hits it and it should not be able to thrown while in the air. Can you please make it?
  2. on quit: set quit message to "&c&l « %player's prefix% &7%player%" on join: if {joins::*} does not contain player's uuid: add player's uuid to {joins::*} set join message to "&3&lTrapp&9&lBox &8» &b&l%player% &bhas joined for the first time! &9[##%size of {joins::*}%&9]" else: set join message to "&a&l » %colored player's prefix% &7%player%" set player's tab list header to "&3&lTrapp&9&lBox%newline%&b&m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m" loop all players: set loop-player's tab list footer to "&b&m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m &m&r%newline%&9Unique Joins: &b%size of {joins::*}%" set player's tab list name to "%colored player's prefix% &7%player%"
  3. do you need a dev im still there
  4. I am looking for helping out in a boxpvp server dm me on frogleader#7510 i can skript custom bosses - items - etc
  5. on rightclick with nether star: name of player's tool is "&5&lBoss Summoner" remove 1 of player's held item from player spawn 1 of zombie at location of player equip last spawned zombie with diamond chestplate of protection 1 equip last spawned zombie with diamond leggings of protection 1 equip last spawned zombie with diamond boots of protection 1 set last spawned zombie's held item to iron sword of sharpness 1 set last spawned zombie's max health to 50 set last spawned zombie's health to 50 set display name of last spawned zombie to "&6&l&nZombie Knight" command bossstar: permission: op trigger: give player 1 of nether star named "&5&lBoss Summoner" on death: if display name of victim is "&6&l&nZombie Knight": cancel drops give attacker (random integer between 0 and 2) of wither rose named "&b[&eR&ao&cs&6e&b]" of protection 1
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