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Everything posted by AdjelG

  1. Hey there! You can have this suggested here: https://github.com/Minehut/Meta
  2. AdjelG

    jak usunąć serwer?

    Hello Nadia100, I have moved this to the Help category. Moving forward please use Help for Minehut-related help topic. Also, you can't delete your Minehut server, but you can reset it to a blank slate! How to reset your server: 1. Go to your server panel, make sure your server is online 2. Navigate to the “Danger Zone” tab 3. Click “Reset Server” 4. Stop and start your server Hope this helps!
  3. AdjelG

    Bug Nether Portal Crash

    Hey there, I have moved this to the correct channel. Please use the Help category if you need help with your server. Also, you can contact our support team if you think you've done what you can to fix the error. Use the link below to contact them: https://minehut.com/support/form
  4. AdjelG

    Ban appeal

    You need to send an appeal to the support team. Use the link below: https://minehut.com/support/form
  5. AdjelG

    plis unban

    You need to send an appeal to the support team. Please use the link below: https://minehut.com/support/form
  6. Yes, you can add mods to your server. You can join the official Minehut Discord server and visit #mods channel for steps on how to add mods. Here's the link to the Minehut Discord: https://discord.gg/minehut
  7. Send an appeal to the support team. You can use the link below: https://minehut.com/support/form
  8. Locking this thread as requested. We're taking notes of the feedback shared here and will be discussed with the team.
  9. Don't add / when entering commands in console. So just do op SnapSnep_DJ
  10. AdjelG

    server starting

    Check logs and console of your server. It might give hints to what's causing the error. If you're still unable to start your server, try contacting our support team. They can review the logs and check the errors. https://minehut.com/support/form
  11. Done with the survey! Minehut Merch
  12. Hello, I moved this to the correct category.
  13. Hey guys, we're locking this post. Necro-posting is not allowed.
  14. If you were banned in the Minehut lobby, email our support team to appeal your punishment. Click the link below: https://minehut.com/support/form If you were banned in a Minehut server, you need to contact the owner of the server. Also, moved this to the Help category. Please use the correct category when posting a topic next time.
  15. Tarna has provided a very good answer with your question. Also, I have moved this to the Help category. Please use the correct category when posting next time.
  16. AdjelG

    i have a problem

    If you are banned in Minehut, you can send an appeal to our customer support team so they can review your punishment. Use the link below: https://minehut.com/support/form
  17. AdjelG

    i lost my fav server

    I have moved this thread to the correct category. Please use Help for any help-related post next time. You can check the log files on your Minecraft folder for the recent servers you have joined. First, you need to find your Minecraft folder. You can find this by into your file explorer of choice, and going to the following path for your operating system: Windows %appdata%/.minecraft MacOS ~/Library/Application Support/Minecraft Linux ~/.minecraft Now, enter the folder logs, and open the latest.log file and search for Sending you to. You can see all the servers you went sent to in your latest session. If you can't find the server, extract a file ending in .log.gz and look in the extracted file.
  18. Locking this thread. Necroposting is not allowed. Contact our support team if you want to appeal. Click the link below: https://minehut.com/support/form
  19. AdjelG

    Restart vs Reset

    Locking this thread. Necroposting is not allowed.
  20. I moved this to the Marketplace category. Please use this category if you're offering help or services for servers. I have also hidden your other post about free skript service.
  21. Hello guys, replying to an inactive post that has not had a reply in over a month is not allowed. I've locked this thread. Feel free to create a new topic!
  22. Good read. I get to learn more about the previous staff
  23. AdjelG

    Uploading World

    You can visit the link below for steps on how to upload world: https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056658653-How-do-I-upload-a-world-
  24. AdjelG

    Uploading World

    Please edit your link. Indirectly advertising a competitor host/site via link is not allowed.
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