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Everything posted by NotKaizo

  1. yep it does! Thanks for letting me know. on break of wool: if player's tool is not shears: cancel event send "&cYou need shears to break this block!"
  2. Do I just change on tps change event to every 5 seconds? Or do I need to change some of the code too
  3. options: prefix: &7&l[&c&lHive&e&lMinez&7&l] on tps change: if tps is lower than 19: set {fixing.tps} to true if {fixing.tps} = true: if tps is higher than 19: set {fixing.tps} to false broadcast "{@prefix}&a Tps is now stable!" on break: if {fixing.tps} = true: cancel event send "{@prefix}&c Currently fixing the tps! Please be patient." So, I am trying to make a skript where if the tps is below 19, it prevents player from mining as someone might be crashing it. I can't seem to get this working as I can't find an event that will work to replace on tps change: event. If anyone could help out that will be great!
  4. Try making a trading system where players can do /trade <player> and it will send a trade request to arg-1 then arg-1 can do /trade accept or /trade <player> to accept the trade. Opens up a GUI and they can place items in the GUI and trade, they will have to both accept the trade by pressing something in the GUI and there will be a cooldown when they both accept it. If one of them closes the GUI or someone moved/push them, the trade is cancel. Make it so Staff can spectate a ongoing trade. Like when a trade request is accepted, it sends a message to all staff where they can do /tradespec <player> <player> to spectate those players trade. Staff won't be able to take out items from the trade. Also, if possible, make it so there is a button in the GUI for staff where they can press it to cancel the players trade.
  5. options: wool: white wool or orange wool or magenta wool or light blue wool or yellow wool or lime wool or pink wool or gray wool or light gray wool or cyan wool or purple wool or blue wool or brown wool or green wool or red wool or black wool on break of {@wool}: if player's tool is not shears: cancel event send "&aYou can only break wool with shears!" So this is just a skript I made for you. I wouldn't say I am an expert in skripting but I help out when I can. If you want to learn some basic skripting, Minehut has lots of good tutorials for that. You can check their playlist out by clicking here. Also, here is a good documentation for you to learn more after the basics.
  6. Of course, the format can be in any way you want but keep it neat and not just some lines that looks odd. Here is an example: >-------- NotKaizo Shop --------< Left side = You give Right side = I give Dragon Eggs = 20 Compress soul torches NotKaizo's Head = 25 Bedrock Best deal! Reply to this if interested!
  7. So from what I've seen the logs you've sent, I can't really seem to understand or read it properly has it is in really weird form. But from that I believe there might be some plugins error which you might have to check. I recommend removing all the plugins and re-download them 1 by 1 to see if it fixes it and which plugin is causing the problem. I am not a expert at reading logs so this all might be useless but I would say give it a try.
  8. You can check your logs thru these steps:
  9. Have you checked the logs to see what's wrong? I can't really help you without information sorry...
  10. NotKaizo

    I need help

    Minehut servers can't be hosted 24/7 unless you have MH Unlimited plan. You can however keep them online by staying AFK in the server or just have players on. Players can also start up the server in the Minehut Lobby using /join <server name>. I hope this helps you out and if you have any more question, feel free to let me know. I am happy to help.
  11. on damage of a player: attacker is a player: if attacker is wearing leather leggings: if name of attacker's leggings is "&8Dark Pants": apply wither to victim for 2 seconds Hope this helps
  12. on death of zombie: if attacker is in world "pve": send "&rYou have killed a zombie!" to attacker cancel drops give attacker 1 rotten flesh named "&6&lZombie's &7Steak" with lore "&6Go to &aTom &6to" and "&6redeem your item!" Here you go, a fixed version Also, if you still aren't familiar on how indentation works you can learn in from here. I hope I helped you.
  13. Try making a trading system where players can do /trade <player> and it will send a trade request to arg-1 then arg-1 can do /trade accept or /trade <player> to accept the trade. Opens up a GUI and they can place items in the GUI and trade, they will have to both accept the trade by pressing something in the GUI and there will be a cooldown when they both accept it. If one of them closes the GUI or someone moved/push them, the trade is cancel. Make it so Staff can spectate a ongoing trade. Like when a trade request is accepted, it sends a message to all staff where they can do /tradespec <player> <player> to spectate those players trade. Staff won't be able to take out items from the trade. Also, if possible, make it so there is a button in the GUI for staff where they can press it to cancel the players trade.
  14. Can you be more specific? like a command /leaderboard or something that is interactive (Like a build)?
  15. command /reloadlootdrop: trigger: delete {_LOOT::*} add diamond sword to {_LOOT::*} add fishing rod to {_LOOT::*} add 64 diamond blocks to {_LOOT::*} add spawner to {_LOOT::*} add blaze spawn egg to {_LOOT::*} #set {_LOOT::*} to diamond sword and fishing rod and 64 diamond blocks and spawner and blaze spawn egg every 1 minute: set {_x} to random integer between -30 and 24 set {_z} to random integer between 11 and -40 broadcast "&2 &l There is a loot rain at %{_x}% , 68 %{_z}% which will begin in 30 seconds. get ready to catch the loot and not get killed!" wait 30 seconds broadcast "THE LOOT HAS DROPPED" loop 50 times: set {_drop} to random item out of {_LOOT::*} drop {_drop} at location({_x}, 70, {_z},world "lobby") wait 0.5 second Maybe try removing the # in line 9 / You don't need to have "" for items unless you want to send/broadcast them. I am not the best at skripting but I hope this helps.
  16. So I've seen people on the forum that have like cool bio sort of thing after their post like this one. I am new to any type of forum and this is basically like my first time on the forum other than a giveaway I tried to enter. Helping me well be great! Thanks
  17. NotKaizo

    VIP Giveaway

    Minecraft IGN : NotKaizo31 Discord Tag : NotKaizo#1647 Why you want the Rank : I have enough money to get VIP rank for myself but the only problem is my parents do not allow me to get it. And with VIP rank I can advertise my Server more to grow! I really want to win.
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