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Everything posted by NotKaizo

  1. Your friends can start the server up via the Minehut Lobby. They can join it using the IP "mc.minehut.com" and execute the command "/join <server name>" to start up the server.
  2. So, I've seen some Discord servers with domains like "discord.customdomain.com" and I was wondering how I can do it myself. I already owned a domain and use Cloudflare.
  3. What help do you need? Please be specific.
  4. Here's a tip, if you make a gen server, it will most likely not grow as there are alot of big ones already. Maybe try developing some other servers? If you still want to continue making a gen server, I will recommend the plugin Skript as that is what you will use mostly.
  5. Advertising it more? Welcome your players to make them feel like you care (If you are not doing it). And also, how long has the server been up for? If it's under a month or so, don't complain as growing isn't instant. It takes time. I know a server called "SkyMiningF" and I do believe it can be botted as when I join, I don't see "50" players. It also have really inactive chat. It is just a bad server in general and I don't know how they got up that far. Just have some patient and wait for it. It will eventually grow if you keep putting in the effort.
  6. Maybe try using some options for it will be easier to change the upgrade price, gen cap and other stuff. Just a suggestion.
  7. options: prefix: &6&lWarps &7&l»&r gui_size: 3 # The size of "/warps" gui menu. Max size is 6! # Permissions warp_permission: warps.use.%arg-1% # Only use this if "{warp::permission}" is true warp_create: warps.create # Permission for creating warps warp_delete: warps.delete # Permission for deleting warps warp_gui: warps.gui # Allow /warps command. warp_use: warp.use # Permission for /warp command on skript load: set {warp::permission.use} to false # Set this to true if you want players to have a permission to use a specific warp command /createwarp <string>: permission: {@warp_create} trigger: if arg-1 is set: if {warps::%arg-1%} is not set: set {warps::%arg-1%} to location of player send "{@prefix}&a Successfully created %arg-1% warp." else if {warps::%arg-1%} is set: send "{@prefix}&c This warp already exist!" if arg-1 is not set: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: /createwarp <warp>" command /warp <string>: permission: {@warp_use} trigger: if {warp::permission.use} is true: if {warps::%arg-1%} is set: if player has permission "{@warp_permission}": teleport player to {warps::%arg-1%} else if {warps::%arg-1%} is not set: send "{@prefix} &cThis warp does not exist!" if {warp::permission.use} is false: if {warps::%arg-1%} is set: teleport player to {warps::%arg-1%} else if {warps::%arg-1%} is not set: send "{@prefix} &cThis warp does not exist!" command /delwarp <string>: permission: {@warp_delete} trigger: if arg-1 is set: if {warps::%arg-1%} is set: delete {warps::%arg-1%} send "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully deleted warp %arg-1%" else if {warps::%arg-1%} is not set: send "{@prefix} &cThis warp does not exist!" if arg-1 is not set: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: /delwarp <warp>" command /warps: permission: {@warp_gui} trigger: set {_allwarps::*} to size of {warps::*} if {_allwarps::*} > 0: open virtual chest inventory with size {@gui_size} named "&6&lWarp Menu" to player set {_slot} to 0 loop {warps::*}: format gui slot {_slot} of player with chest named "&e&l%loop-value%" to run: execute player command "warp %loop-value%" # Execute player command incase you have {warp::permission.use} set to true This is a simple warp Skript I made, I haven't tried it so I don't know if it will work or not. I am not the best at Skript but I hope this helps any new servers. If there is any changes that I can add to make the Skript better, please let me know! Thank you.
  8. Make sure you whitelist him properly, /whitelist add <player>. If he still can't join, maybe just un-whitelist the server when he wants to join and whitelist it back when he is in the server. You can also easily make a skript for it but I don't think you have skript installed as it is most likely an SMP server for you and your friends. Hope this helps.
  9. Yea you need skVault for it but I don't know how to use it. I am using custom skript is because we have multiple currency that can be stack up (Like convert) and there is alot of other things so I think skript is just more simple.
  10. I mean like I want to use my "skript" eco with vault. So instead of Essentails eco I want to use my own custom one made with skript. How will I do that? Or is there even a way.
  11. I don't know how to make my eco skript compatible with vault.
  12. I am trying to use my eco skript with Vault but I don't know how, if anyone could help, that will be great! Thanks
  13. You have to include everything in there, starting from the command. Just copy and paste in your skript folder. Here is a beginner playlist on how to skript. You should watch these videos first.
  14. I am pretty sure EssentialsX has that built in but here is a skript for it. command /suicide: trigger: kill player send "&cYou died"
  15. Hey, are you and operator on the server? If not, make yourself an operator by watching this video. If you are already an operator I suggest checking your permission plugin (If you have one) and see if there is anything wrong it it. Hope this helps
  16. NotKaizo


    Most likely couple of days.
  17. Hey, before you saying anything bad about Minehut services, they do automated backup every hour while the server is online and if you are playing on a Minecraft server, it's logical to do a backup once in a while or just daily. Don't complain about Minehut when it's your fault, not theirs. They also do announce when there is a downtime on their Discord so don't simply say that they don't. Fix your logic and instead of saying Minehut is providing "Shitty" services, blame it on yourself for not being responsible. As a free server host (Minehut), I can tell you that you can't find any better free hosts out there. Minehut is the best by far. Here is their Discord if you still want to join. https://discord.gg/minehut
  18. I don't think /sk reload all is necessary as it messes up all skripts gui you have made with TuSke. /sk reload <file name> should be better.
  19. Don't advertise. I don't know if that is consider as advertising but to be safe, don't.
  20. NotKaizo

    Account Linking

    I am glad I could help.
  21. NotKaizo

    Account Linking

    So, you can read these tutorials, one of them teaches you how to start and the other teaches you how to make a linking skript. Creating a bot and linking it: https://skripthub.net/tutorials/16 Making it so players can link their Discord: https://skripthub.net/tutorials/40 Hope this helps you
  22. Here is a good sell skript tutorial, instead of just giving you the skript, I would recommend learning to make it yourself. It will be more helpful in the future
  23. So, I do not know how to skript holograms but you can use plugins, just download these 3 plugins: PlaceholderAPI, Holographic Display, Holographic Extension Using those plugins, you can holograms easily with placeholders so you can make a baltop hologram.
  24. What do you mean by that? You can't set up the permission or what. Please explain in more details so I can help.
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