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Everything posted by NotKaizo

  1. TuSke is outdated. Use either Vanilla Guis or skript-gui
  2. Well yes you can be mad at other sales but the other sales are 50% usually. Not its 85% which is a big difference. And instead, why not just make server plans 85% off? Since Unleashed changes things about servers. And this sale in particular flooded the chat. They didn't like ad rewards because it flooded Minehut chat, why are they not doing anything about this? It's basically the same thing. Other sales didn't have this much Ads.
  3. Fr, there is like more rank players than no rank lol
  4. This is different since its a sale on ranks. When there was sale for credits, people would use the credits to save up so they could keep their server running and only a small amount would buy ranks. This is a 85% sale on basically everything and its also 25% more than the usual sale Minehut makes (50% usually). The chat is basically full with advertisement now (More advertisements that when ad rewards was a thing).
  5. Minehut made a 85% off sale, for what? Minehut's unleashed. I am just gonna say that this sale will destroy tons of server. People paid hundreds of dollars for a rank and now its all less than a hundred dollars. They removed Ad Rewards so the chat won't be flooded with advertisements but what's the difference now? That the sale benefits Minehut and not others? Haven't they think about what will happen if they make such big sale? Maybe make a checkout code like last time for 50% off instead of 85% off almost everything?
  6. Minehut is kinda weird in my opinion, when purchasing a server plan, it says that we won't have ads but these type of "Free Credits" and "Survey" shows up aswell.
  7. Make sure to check if their store has a non refund policy, if there isn't you can contact your bank or PayPal to issue a refund. If there is a non refund policy, you could still refund but that will most likely get you banned on the server forever (I don't recommend it).
  8. Hello, try utilizing options so people can customize it easier, for example: options: your_custom_message: &6Hello! This is my custom message. command /test: trigger: send "{@your_custom_message}" to player You can use the options {@your_custom_message} anywhere in your Skript and it will return that specific option. So if you want to change the message in all the codes, just change one and boom everything is changed as well.
  9. Hey! Nice Skript! But there is some changes that can be made to make this shorter and nicer. Instead of repeating the glass format, you could easily just do this: format gui slot (integers between 0 and 26) of player with lime stained glass pane named "&a" That will take all those lines and compact it into just one singular line!
  10. on death: victim is a player attacker is a player set {_diff} to difference between {cooldown::%victim's uuid%} and now if {_diff} < 1 minute: send "This player has been killed recently, please wait or kill someone else!" else: send "You killed &4&l%victim%&r and recieved a soul!" to damager give attacker 1 of soul sand named "&4&lSoul" delete {cooldown::%victim's uuid%}
  11. Currently no there isn't. But you can still join using custom IP's on 1.17. It just that it doesn't show the MOTD
  12. Not sure what exactly you are trying to do but yeah, that's a list and it will work.
  13. So, that only happens when you are on 1.17. For some reason custom domains are broken on that version
  14. Most likely just on Minehut, they will just allow you to link your servers together
  15. So basically, in Skript, you can't use single quotes in string. So you have to double all the quotes in your nbt for it it work.
  16. NotKaizo

    skript help?

    You can check the region that event-block is in. And instead of making console execute the command, you can use skript and write give player 1 of barrier
  17. So that's not the best way to make a 1 time use command.. Here, use this one instead: command /start: trigger: if {start::%player's uuid%} isn't set: give player white concrete named "&f&lSugar Generator" set {start::%player's uuid%} to now stop else: send "&b&lBakedGens &7You already have a plot!" So what that does it, when they execute /start, it sets a variable to when they did it so if you ever want to get how long they have been playing the server, you can (Placeholders/skript expression works aswell).
  18. Golden Crates is a decently good crates plugin. Lots of server uses it.
  19. Won't work. You need to use a global variable instead of local.
  20. Uhm, don't use % if its not in a string (Line 4). Don't use global variables for that (Use local). Last line has a wrong syntax. And lastly, I'm pretty sure that isn't what he said he wants. command /dupe [<number>]: aliases: /d trigger: loop arg-1 times: give (1 * 2) of tool to player # Not sure if this is what you want but if I didn't read wrongly, it should be what you needed.
  21. Could you add more context?
  22. command /queue: permission: queue.use trigger: if {queue::amount::*} < 5: add player to {queue::list::*} add 1 to {queue::amount::*} send "You have been added to the queue"
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