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Everything posted by Tistay

  1. That's right. Did a little digging and found this, announced yesterday on the Minehut Discord while maintenance was ongoing: "All that said, there is still more work to do to establish a long term future for Minehut. With that in mind, we are updating the time limit from 4 hours to 2 hours on free servers plans. We will monitor the impact that has on the usage of free server plans and iterate from here."
  2. Hola. If you want to prevent a player from placing any amount of amethyst shards in a chest, you could use this code: on inventory click: if type of player's current inventory is chest inventory: set {_item} to type of event-item if {_item} = ("amethyst shard" parsed as an item): cancel event send "&cYou cannot place amethyst shards in this chest!" The event triggers when someone clicks an item inside their inventory. First it checks if the inventory is a chest. Then it sets the variable {_item} to the type of item. This is important, because if it is just event-item it will also return the amount the player is clicking (e.g.: 64 amethyst shards). Then, if {_item} is indeed an amethyst shard, it cancels the event and sends the player a notice. Hope this helped!
  3. lesss gooo #petprogrammer
  4. Tistay

    co hosting

    Do you mean co-hosting as in sharing a console with multiple accounts? It's not possible... yet... hopefully.
  5. Tistay

    MH Pro Rank

  6. Tistay

    New Plans??

    #7 in that case.
  7. Congratulations on being cool twice in one day.
  8. Tistay

    it does not work

    it does not work
  9. How does one get boredn't

  10. Time to send this to 90% of the people in Skript channel
  11. Tistay


    That link won't be clickable.
  12. I believe Tablisknu has an expression for nametags. I'm not sure if vanilla Skript has one tho.
  13. I commend you for the immensely well worked out script, potentially the only lag-free generator script in this whole world was we know of. It's insanely customizable and has so much to it. Definitely worth taking a look at. I have nothing bad to say, this is peak Skript.
  14. Tistay


    Sounds like fun.
  15. I believe some servers got reset/some chunks got wiped. I've seen a lot of people talking about it. I believe there is a dev that's looking into it. I recommend contacting support.
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