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Everything posted by Minipixel

  1. Hello, @hippl123here! You're looking for the port I see. If you are trying to use it for a mobile connection we are not compatible with MC Bedrock. If we ever do the port would be the default port I assume. Details on that will be stated if we ever chose to go to MC Bedrock. Is that all for you?
  2. Go head to the appeals section in the forums HERE FORMAT HERE
  3. If It's still not letting you join follow this DANGER ZONE -> Repair Files By clicking that it may cause data loss and clicking it you agree to what may happen.
  4. Reset your world, make sure It isn't flat and add the seed restart and then It should be there, Also, make sure the seed isn't courted and make sure to get one that you know that works for sure.
  5. Minipixel

    my server reset

    That will not be needed, @PumpfakeLEFT, Before you leave always do /save-all
  6. Hello! If you having trouble please do the following commands! Permissions Ex /pex group {groupname} add backpacksplus.use.small /pex group {groupname} add backpacksplus.use.medium /pex group {groupname} add backpacksplus.use.large /pex group {groupname} add backpacksplus.use.extralarge Group Manager /mangaddp {group} backpacksplus.use.small /mangaddp {group} backpacksplus.use.medium /mangaddp {group} backpacksplus.use.large /mangaddp {group} backpacksplus.use.extralarge Luck Perms /lp group {groupname} permission set backpacksplus.use.small /lp group {groupname} permission set backpacksplus.use.medium /lp group {groupname} permission set backpacksplus.use.large /lp group {groupname} permission set backpacksplus.use.extralarge What this does is gives the group permission to anything you want. Do that command that falls under what ranking system they have. for tp is essentials.tpa or essentials.tp. For all essentials permission nodes here is a link https://pastebin.com/z3ZYjqKW Hope this solved your problem! To support me like this post!
  7. Minipixel

    Server can't start.

    If you're still having this problem follow the steps below Open Panel -> Danger Zone -> Repair Files This may cause some data loss but It'll fix your issue if you're still having trobule!
  8. write a big birthday card like on a doc with a lot of members saying happy bday trimmed out and posted on a doc (My bday is in 2 days <3)
  9. Did you op you and your admins?
  10. https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015767054-Downloading-and-uploading-survival-guide Follow that and that should get you good.
  11. Next time, before you restart remember to do /save-all it will keep your progress.
  12. Minipixel


    Hello, People whose signs glow means there are more playslots then 10-20 so get this enchanted sign you will need to spend credits a day on player slots.
  13. @p is used for somone to step on, If no one is stepping on it it wont work
  14. You probably didn't do /save-all when you left. And you also probably couldn't connect because minehut was at it's server limit.
  15. Nice to meet you, Missyeru! Hope to seee you around the server and good luck if you're working as an admin! Your dog is beautiful.
  16. If you want more ram it's also by upgrading slots
  17. Before you leave ALWAYS do /save-all It WILL keep all your progress from where you left off
  18. Currently, the only way to upgrade is by player slots Server Properties > Max Players
  19. Minipixel


    They can't do anything you're safe, it's probably just a kid trying to trick you into deleting your server.
  20. Custom music is possible through command blocks and you can add a resource pack to your server by Server Properties > Resource Pack
  21. Minipixel


    Go to console and type op (username)
  22. Create a Story Only 2 words per post and lets see what story we can create. On my bday, July 5th I'll be creating a a doc copy and paste every word that in the comments into a doc and I'll post it on the forum. So.... Lets start a story! I'll start it Off " Once"
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