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Everything posted by Ezekia

  1. i know! go to ipstealer.net to fix everything
  2. I think this is necroposting but I'll help anyway. Whenever a new player joins it creates their island and automatically teleports them to it. If a player joins again it'll teleport them back. I think if you delete the defult world a new one will be created, so dont bother. Also, this skript is outdated. It still works, but you can find the new version on the Skriptify site (skriptify.xyz). It's called Skyblock+. With the new version you will need TuSKe and Vault added as well!
  3. Ezekia


    uuuuh wdym? that's how you insert scripts into the right folder!
  4. Ezekia


    As in Skript? Go to File Manager > Plugins > Skript > scripts > new file (name it whatever you want, remember to add .sk at the end) > paste in script > done
  5. I'm working on a big project called Server+. It's going to be a server runner that adds tons of features to Minehut, and it comes with addons (for example, BungeeHut and Plugin Interface)! I hope y'all excited, I'm going to post updates here soon
  6. Ezekia

    Skriptify Minehut

    haha yes gonna be posting a tnt run script soon but probs gonna make it random map choosing first it can only rlly do one arena rn
  7. truth right here - and if you rlly want an example still, why dont try and make your own free server hoster for free. you cant. and its gonna be like that for years.
  8. if it anyne wants an example, a free and paid hoster im using as well charges for bungee servers, and they are pretty cheap. obviously you have to pay for each server, as each server is not a world. mh probs has a plugin that auto creates a server for players when they want, and that costs money, if they dont have spaces already. personally i think this update is okay, ive seen a lot of people comment about loasing their server completely. i wont be surprised if a few go to valknet instead
  9. dammit well, at least i got two people
  10. i assure you, it is not a link to anything inappropriate. I'm not that kind of guy. Mods can check if they feel like it! bit.ly/2USiDIK
  11. HmMmMmM well idk tbh umm yea
  12. The whitelist will turn off at the same time. Be sure to check for the adverts
  13. Great. Absolutely great. It's not like I'm going to tell a server that there is no prize for winning. Oh wait, I am. MINEHUT! What should I give as a prize instead of Credits?
  14. it's already happened lmao but i'm hosting an event in 45 mins that contains uhc in it! /join mhmondays
  15. Ezekia

    Minecraft PE

    Although it'll be cool if there was an iOS or Android app for PE servers though... if they ever come back.
  16. Don't think you can do that. Sorry!
  17. what? WeLl WhEn Im HoStInG mInEhUt MoNdAyS tHeRe WiLl Be A UhC eVeNt
  18. yes yes yes who else is joining?
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