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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. I've heard of this before but I've never understood as to why. Could be that there's more RAM that what Minehut offers? Or that maybe Minehut redirects you to the Pterodactyl servers and you get infinite players there? I donno.
  2. Which is why you should download your files on a regular basis, as Minehut servers can be more easily hacked than a personal computer or, the better option, Dropbox.
  3. did someone really move it lmao
  4. It's fine if they put the IP in the title, there's no rule against it. As for the uniqueness of the server, you might as well find something else to play, as 99% of minehut servers aren't unique. hint hint i'm part of the 1% of servers that are unique
  5. Pryzmm

    Free version

    Cracked minecraft accounts arent allowed on minehut. Pay for the real game.
  6. just download the plugins from their respected websites.
  7. Bruh 5$ aint worth for things that can literally be done in a couple lines, not to mention that 3 of the 4 things you listed (and who knows how much more) can easily be set up and used with the essentials plugin. To avoid anyone to get ripped off, I left some skripts below, though I've also left a link of the essentials plugin (Click Here) # AFK SKRIPT # Note: This just teleports the player to a location. If you don't want this, remove lines 4 through 13 and use essentials command /setafklocation: permission: AFK.Set trigger: set {AFKLocation} to location of player send "&d[AFK] &5Location Set!" command /afk: trigger: teleport player to {AFKLocation} send "&d[AFK] &5You are in the AFK location!" # SPAWN SKRIPT command /setspawnlocation: permission: Spawn.Set trigger: set {Spawn} to location of player send "&e[Spawn] &6Location Set!" command /spawn: trigger: teleport player to {Spawn} send "&e[Spawn] &6You've been teleported to spawn!" # BROADCAST SKRIPT command /broadcast <text>: permission: Broadcast.Command trigger: broadcast "&c&l[BROADCAST] &e%arg-1%"
  8. Here you go! (untested) on command "/spawn": loop all items in player's inventory: if loop-item is enchanted with curse of vanishing: remove loop-item from player's inventory
  9. Dont minimod and instead ping a moderator to lock the post, as they will deal with it.
  10. 20k trackers wow man
  11. File manager controls are extremely clunky and unpolished · Issue #1002 · Minehut/Meta (github.com) Offended. You're saying that the whole community needs babying, as if everyone has the same knowledge or experience. It's a lot more useful than a year or 2 ago. You can download all the files at once, and upload everything in a .zip file, so I don't see the issue here. I've never had any issues with uploading files, or with text editing. It could be your internet having trouble but idk.
  12. In the settings tab in your server, scroll down to server properties. The first one should be max players. Change it, save it, and restart it.
  13. Pryzmm


    You can use LuckPerms to give certain people permission.
  14. Your world could be corrupted. Create a backup and delete the world, then restart.
  15. Take this to the marketplace, not the help page.
  16. Go to the file manager and click the "plugins" folder. From there, you should see all the plugins and their files.
  17. Pryzmm

    Proxy help

    All servers must be on a server plan before they can be connected to each other.
  18. Go to minehut.com Log in Click "Manage Server", or if the server is offline, click "Activate Server", wait 30 seconds, and click "Continue" At the top, click "Console" type in "op <YOUR USERNAME>"
  19. Pryzmm

    Bedrock Direct IPs

    I'm not entirely sure as to why this isn't possible, but Minehut doesn't have any plans to fix this anytime soon.
  20. Pressure plates are buggy, and you have to jump for the event to work.
  21. Use this on death: add 1 to {Deaths::%player's uuid%} command /deaths: trigger: send "&cYour Deaths: &4&l%{Deaths::%player's uuid%}%"
  22. Oops! Replace "set chat message" to "set chat format"
  23. you don't need a cancel event. But if you do want to stop the skript you need to use stop
  24. You can use luckperms to give the permission. Get the plugin and do /lp user <player> permission set <permission> true
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