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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. List your plugins and, if you have skript, your skripts.
  2. Pryzmm

    Internal Error Occured

    Your plugin might not support your server version.
  3. It's possible they froze the leaderboards because people were abusing the spyglass bug.
  4. if its that big a file its bound to cause at least some problems.
  5. Pryzmm

    Server Not Going Online

    Your world is most likely corrupted. Delete the world or restore a backup.
  6. 20 Days Won Pog

  7. You moved a post (this one) to ban appeals area, but Benny said thats a no no


    1. Seriiaaa


      Oh no, my bad. will edit my comment and revert the move instead. Thank you so much for the clarification! 🙏

    2. Eltschu
  8. Upgrading server versions isnt really supported by Minecraft. It's very likely that your world is corrupted.
  9. Check your server.properties file and see if the resource pack link is there. If it is, remove it, save, and restart.
  10. yes the "template" that wasnt stolen. Also if you need a dev, i could help
  11. If the server lags the more people that join than its gotta be something about the second line. Set {p} to a specific player and see if the server lags the more people that join.
  12. /ul - This was an old command by Minehut before they "Unleashed" An error occurred, please try again. - 9 times out of 10 the file is just uploading. Don't do anything on the page and wait a couple minutes. World panel doesn't work - I've never used the world panel to upload worlds, since you can upload the .zip file to the 'home' file and unzip it there. This could be the issue as well.
  13. Does it give her an error when she gets kicked?
  14. Not the place to report. Submit a ticket.
  15. Pryzmm

    Can't join lobby

    What version are you on? Do you play java or bedrock? Have you changed anything in the server that affects connectivity or inventory?
  16. Can you send the skript? I could make compact it a bit. Also MH20 is good enough if you have a small playerbase.
  17. literally half the skript is a command where you can blacklist items but ok. Use this new one options: Prefix: &2&l[&a&lRI&2&l] BlacklistPerm: Blacklist.Use command /BlacklistItem [<text>]: permission: {@BlacklistPerm} permission message: {@Prefix} &cYou don't have permission to execute this command! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&aHow to use%nL%&eHold any item in your hand, then type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm""%nL%&6If an item isn't added in the blacklist, it will add the type of block.%nL%&eOtherwise it will remove the type of block from the blacklist." else if arg-1 is "confirm": if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain type of player's held item: add type of player's held item to {RIBlacklist::*} send "{@Prefix} &aAdded item to blacklist!" else: remove type of player's held item from {RIBlacklist::*} send "{@Prefix} &aRemoved item from blacklist!" else: send "{@Prefix} &cYou must type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm"" to confirm!" command /RIToggle: trigger: set {RIToggled::%player's uuid%} to true if {RIToggled::%player's uuid%} is false, else true send "{@Prefix} &eToggled random items to %{RIToggled::%player's uuid%}%" every 10 seconds: loop all players: {RIToggled::%loop-player's uuid%} is true loop 100 times: set {_item} to random element out of all items if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain {_item}: give loop-player {_item} exit loop
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