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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. He just really badly needs it tho Try this. Untested, but it parsed with no errors via parser.skunity.com options: Prefix: &2&l[&a&lRI&2&l] BlacklistPerm: Blacklist.Use command /BlacklistItem [<text>]: permission: {@BlacklistPerm} permission message: {@Prefix} &cYou don't have permission to execute this command! trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&aHow to use%nL%&eHold any item in your hand, then type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm""%nL%&6If an item isn't added in the blacklist, it will add the type of block.%nL%&eOtherwise it will remove the type of block from the blacklist." else if arg-1 is "confirm": if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain type of player's held item: add type of player's held item to {RIBlacklist::*} send "{@Prefix} &aAdded item to blacklist!" else: remove type of player's held item from {RIBlacklist::*} send "{@Prefix} &aRemoved item from blacklist!" else: send "{@Prefix} &cYou must type ""/BlacklistItem Confirm"" to confirm!" every 10 seconds: loop all players: loop 100 times: set {_item} to random element out of all items if {RIBlacklist::*} does not contain {_item}: give loop-player {_item} exit loop
  2. literally this meme applies to all my unique servers
  3. Pryzmm

    Afk bot

    thats not allowed
  4. Pryzmm


    options: AcceptTime: 30 seconds Spawn: location(0, 0, 0, world("world")) command /tpa <offline player>: trigger: if {TPA::%player%} is set: send "&cYou have an active TPA request already!" to player else: set {TPA::%player%} to "%arg-1%" send "&eYou sent a tpa request to &6%arg-1%&e!" to player send "&6%player% &ehas asked to teleport to you. Type &6/TPAccept &eto accept or &6/TPDeny &eto deny." to arg-1 wait {@AcceptTime} send "&cTPA request expired." to player command /tpaccept <offline player>: trigger: if {TPA::%arg-1%} is not "%player%": send "&4%arg-1% &chas not sent you a teleport request!" to player else: teleport arg-1 to player clear {TPA::%arg-1%} send "&eAccepted &6%arg-1%&e's teleport request." to player send "&6%player% &eaccepted your teleport request." to arg-1 command /tpdeny <offline player>: trigger: if {TPA::%arg-1%} is not "%player%": send "&4%arg-1% &chas not sent you a teleport request!" to player else: clear {TPA::%arg-1%} send "&eDenied &6%arg-1%&e's teleport request." to player send "&4%player% &cdenied your teleport request." to arg-1 on disconnect: clear {TPA::%player%} command /spawn: trigger: teleport player to {@Spawn}
  5. Could be your skript version. If youre running a 1.17.1 server, switch to skript 2.6... 9 times out of 10 its a skript version issue.
  6. I dont think you can remodel entities unless everyone who joins is going to use optifine. You can retexture them without optifine but thats about it. You could model a item and stretch it over the mob by putting it on their head.
  7. check if you have a backup. If you dont, delete the world and restart.
  8. If the server restarts, there has to be 1 player or entity or fake player in the team or else the team will delete itself. You were just typing the command and expecting it to work. Skript has no syntax for detecting commands, so instead you have to force the console to execute it instead. Go to skripthub.net for any syntax.
  9. Try the below code make console execute command "team join ""Admin"" %arg-1%"
  10. if you changed your server version recently it could be that your world is corrupted
  11. Pryzmm

    Settings help

    if you cant access the server settings then you cant break bedrock
  12. Seems that the mod changes some functionality of pistons. Could be causing the issue.
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