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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. Thanks!
  2. Please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. Thanks!
  3. Mods that use commands to paste blocks (like Litematica) won't work on Minehut unless you set the time between commands far enough apart. I don't know the Axiom mod so I can't help you with that one. If too many commands are executed at once, you will be kicked for spamming commands.
  4. ima yell at people to join the party fr
  5. Please go to the marketplace for this; topic moved.
  6. Alright, let me try to break down every one of these things for you; - Server Pricing -> "having to restart my server every single time I add a plugin": That's not even the fault of Minehut; all servers require you to restart for plugin updates. You do have the ability to use /reload but that's buggy and not recommended. -> "And on top of that there is ads.": Use an ad blocker. -> "I could pay $8 dollars a month for 8GB of ram on another server provider whereas with Minehut I could pay $10 a month for 6GB.": If you don't like the prices, don't use Minehut. You can also /vote for Minehut every day to reduce the pricing per month (1800 credits/month for pro plan, voting gives you 300/credits per month, reduces the pricing by about 2$) - Credit System -> "Similar to gambling, you buy token to make you feel like you aren't gambling is a scheme that casinos use.": How are you comparing Minehut's credit system to gambling??? -> "And is Minehut using this trick as well to cover up their absurd prices and make you feel like you are spending credits and not money?": No. Minehut's credit system is in place to make it easier for payments. You can buy ranks, server plans, slots, and icons all with credits. Plus, as i mentioned earlier, you can get credits for FREE simply by voting. - Ranks -> "I should not have to spend 100 dollars a month for a rank that in no different from [VIP] besides being purple and have some more ads also particles I suppose.": The whole point for Minehut ranks is for the advertisement, not for the cosmetics you get along with it. Before the rank update, chat would be filled with unlimited ads by patron users and it needed a change. While yes I do believe the prices are a bit high, it should be noted that you should buy a rank depending on what your server income is. - Cosmetics -> "Minehuts one of many ways to get as much money as possible": You're certainly not forced to buy a lootbox to enjoy Minehut, I don't see how this should impact you. -> "well when you phrase it like "Lootbox" it makes it sound worse than it is.": It is essentially what it is. -> "$35 for a 30 lootboxes": You're paying the equivelent of $1.16 for 1 lootbox - Chat Filter/System -> "Why can I say "Damn" and "What the hell" but not "Crap"": Because those words don't really need to be filtered; if you were to make a list of all the bad words, those would probably be at the bottom, with that last one maybe being somewhere in the middle. -> "please fix you stupid chat filter": It works just fine; if you have issues with it you're free to take it up in our discord. - Connection With Community -> "Minehut has never shined at community support at all these problems I've been describing are ignored and not given attention to fix.": We always take notice when we see someone talk about an issue they're having, though we're not obligated to inform you our opinions on the matter, nor what action we may or may not take.
  7. apparently this is a moderator only party; WE NEED MORE PEOPLE AT THIS PARTY
  8. have you tried loading a backup yet? In your server dashboard, click on backups and try to load either a temp backup or one you've had saved
  9. sleepover at party fr
  10. If your account was compromised and you are banned on Minehut, you can go to https://forums.minehut.com/appeal
  11. 3 years later; I'll make you a better SocialSpy skript lol It's not tested but should work command /socialspy: aliases: /ss permission: socialspy.use trigger: if {SocialSpy::%player's uuid%} != true: set {SocialSpy::%player's uuid%} to true send "&aEnabled Social Spy" to player else: clear {SocialSpy::%player's uuid%} send "&cDisabled Social Spy" to player on command: loop all players where [{SocialSpy::%uuid of input%} is true]: if loop-player is not executor: send "&7%executor% issued command: &a/%command%" to loop-player I'll also be locking this post, If you need any further assistance please make a new post.
  12. man the party died fast
  13. guys whats your favorite way to make a smore, melt the marshmallows with a campfire or not melting it at all (i melt)
  14. guys wheres the party i kinda forgot
  15. this rly do be an epic party
  16. who else is gonna be at this party!?!?!? also here @Jaidzn have a cake
  18. loving this party already!!!
  19. Please make sure that you aren't responding to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month. Thanks!
  20. Try clearing your cookies or opening an incognito tab If it was a paid plan that recently expired; there is currently an issue that causes servers to disappear from the dashboard once the server plan ran out. The developers are currently investigating the issue. If you would like to add a paid plan back to your server so it can be started again, You can do so from the Server Plans section: https://app.minehut.com/shop/plans
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