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  1. Is there any addons to give players a Item with customdatamodel in skript like I want to do something like this: command /givepistol [<player>]: permission: op description: Gives gun trigger: execute "give %arg-1% minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick{CustomModelData:1,display:{Name:'{\"text\":\"Pistol\",\"color\":\"white\"}'}} 1" give 64 gold nuggets named "&6Pistol Ammo" to the player
  2. sure =D and thanks so much for the help
  3. Also make sure people cant make another queue when a game is in progress! And also btw is there a way where when people are joining the queue for more than 4 to join, like idk a ready system of sorts if possible, if not thats fine I dont want to over work you
  4. Also not to bother you but could you make it instead of this: on game start: set {queued players} to a list of players send "A new game is starting!" to all players Make it so when the game ends people have to join the queue again and then if theres more than 4 people then the game starts again. And Ik im asking for a lot but if you can, can you make it so that when a game is going to start, it will have the option to pick between 2 maps, so if it picks map 1 for example it will tp blue team to -764, 3, 388, and red team to -821, 3, 295. And on map 2, set blue team to -698 5 606 and red team to -661 5 653. And if it's too much thanks for the help anyways!!! =D And then if there could be a command like /queue leave , that would be awesome!
  5. Bro you are a legend xd lol, I think he might have used a skript addon but idk which one, couldnt find anything similar
  6. 6 errors: Line 6: {queued players} can only ever have one value at most, thus the “amount of…” expression is useless. Use “exist”to find out whether the expression has a value. Line: if size of (queued players is greater than or equal to 4: Line 20:Cant understand this condition ‘damager is a player and damage is a player’ Line: Cant understand this condition ‘damager is a player and damage is a player: Line 27: Use attacker and/or victim' in damager death events Line: if player is in (blue team: Line 33: Use 'attacker' and/or 'victim in damage/death events Line else if player is in red team: Line 52: Cant understand this event: 'on game start Line: on game start: Line 40: Cant understand this event: 'on player quit Line: on player quit: command /queue: trigger: if player is not in {queued players}: add player to {queued players} send "You have joined the queue!" to player if size of {queued players} is at least 4: loop 2 times: set {_randomPlayer} to a random player in {queued players} remove {_randomPlayer} from {queued players} add {_randomPlayer} to {blue team::*} loop 2 times: set {_randomPlayer} to a random player in {queued players} remove {_randomPlayer} from {queued players} add {_randomPlayer} to {red team::*} send "The game has started! Teams have been assigned." to all players teleport all players in {blue team::*} to location 1, 1, 1 teleport all players in {red team::*} to location 2, 2, 2 on damage: if damager is a player and damagee is a player: if damager is in {blue team::*} and damagee is in {blue team::*}: cancel event else if damager is in {red team::*} and damagee is in {red team::*}: cancel event on death of player: if player is in {blue team::*}: remove 1 from {blue team kills} if {blue team kills} is at least 20: send "Blue team wins!" to all players teleport all players in {blue team::*} to location 5, 5, 5 clear game data else if player is in {red team::*}: remove 1 from {red team kills} if {red team kills} is at least 20: send "Red team wins!" to all players teleport all players in {red team::*} to location 5, 5, 5 clear game data on player quit: if player is in {queued players}: remove player from {queued players} if player is in {blue team::*}: remove player from {blue team::*} if player is in {red team::*}: remove player from {red team::*} on server start: set {blue team kills} to 0 set {red team kills} to 0 on game start: set {queued players} to a list of players send "A new game is starting!" to all players Note: I did not make this skript, a friend gave it to me and I dont know how to fix it.
  7. How would I make it so that when any players health is below 3 hearts they will get a potion effect??? What i have so far: on damage: if players health is below 2 apply potion of swiftness of tier 1 to player for 10 seconds
  8. How would I add money using skript to my balance in essentials/vault economy plugin??? Like if I have a skript like: on right click on Stone Pressure Plate: add 10 to player's essentials balance
  9. Can anyone make a skript where there is one person who is randomly picked to be chosen. This Chosen person has a golden helmet that is stuck on there head and is unbreakable, when the chosen person punches someone they become chosen and the original chosen one isn't chosen anymore(golden hat carry's over to new chosen person). (Im basically explaining tag here) If you can, make it so that there is a command to start the game and stop it, when u start the game it should tp everyone to certain cords, and turn everyone into game mode survival. And once someone wins it should say it in chat and give them a diamond. (make it so everyone has regeneration and saturation throughout the entire game) Thank you for reading this all and if u can help pls help me, Thanks!
  10. NoPulp

    How do I get unmuted?

    I was muted in minehut lobby for saying to a friend, "your living under a rock lol" and know I dont know how to appeal for a mute. Can Anyone help?
  11. can u make a skript where if a player uses /spawn, any item on them with curse of vanishing dissapears
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