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Everything posted by belac136

  1. Uhh.... I'm so sorry to bother you but I'm not sure how to make this work with my gui. Do I do this? (I'm using Tuske btw) command /warps: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Warps" to player format gui slot 11 of player with grass path named "&6Market" to run: teleport player to {warp::market} format gui slot 13 of player with spruce sapling named "&2Forest" to run: teleport player to {warp::forest} format gui slot 15 of player with grass block named "&aSpawn" to run: teleport player to {spawn} format gui slot 0 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to run: close player's inventory format gui slot 18 of player with blaze rod named "&7" format gui slot 26 of player with arrow named "&7Next Page" to run: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Warps &7[&a2&7]" to player format gui slot 13 of player with farmland named "&bFarm" to run: teleport player to {warp::farm} format gui slot 0 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to run: close player's inventory format gui slot 18 of player with blaze rod named "&7Previous Page" to run: make player execute command "/warps" command /warp [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if {warp::%arg-1%} is set: wait 1 second send "&aTeleporting..." teleport player to {warp::%arg-1%} if {warp::%arg-1%} is not set: send "&cThis warp does not exist!" stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&6Usage: /warp <warp name>" command /setwarp [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is set: if {warp::%arg-1%} is not set: set {warp::%arg-1%} to location of player send "&aSuccessfully set new warp!" if {warp::%arg-1%} is set: send "&cThis warp already exist!" if arg-1 is not set: send "&6Usage: /warp <warp name>"
  2. I have some warp commands i have been working on, and i just added the farm. It worked before, but now it gives me this error: anybody know how to help? Note: if i change the indent it messed other stuff up command /warp [<Text>]: permission: warp.skript trigger: if arg-1 is "market": send "&aTeleporting..." wait 1 seconds teleport player to {marketwarp} if arg-1 is "farm": send "&aTeleporting..." wait 1 seconds teleport player to {farmwarp} if arg-1 is "forest": send "&aTeleporting..." wait 1 seconds teleport player to {forestwarp} command /setwarp [<Text>]: permission: set.warp permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: if arg-1 is "forest": set {forestwarp} to player's location send "&aforest Location has been set to: &2%{forestwarp}%" to player if arg-1 is "market": set {marketwarp} to player's location send "&aMarket Location has been set to: &2%{marketwarp}%" to player if arg-1 is "farm": set {farmwarp} to player's location send "&aforest Location has been set to: &2%{farmwarp}%" to player
  3. Thankyou! I'm not sure exactly what you fixed but it works now!
  4. I have this command where you can teleport to all the different areas on my server. Everything worked until I tried to add a second page. when it tries to open the second gui, it just closes... Can someone help?!?!?!? command /warps: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Warps" to player format gui slot 11 of player with grass path named "&6Market" to run: teleport player to {marketwarp} format gui slot 13 of player with spruce sapling named "&2Forest" to run: teleport player to {forestwarp} format gui slot 15 of player with grass block named "&aSpawn" to run: teleport player to {spawn} format gui slot 18 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to run: close player's inventory format gui slot 26 of player with arrow named "&7Next Page" to run: open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "Warps &7[&a2&7]" to player format gui slot 15 of player with grass path named "&bFarm" to run: teleport player to {farmwarp} format gui slot 18 of player with barrier named "&cClose" to run: close player's inventory
  5. just use this: "on item damage:(enter)(tab) cancel event"
  6. Not sure what happened, but it works now.
  7. Thankyou! Im sorry about that, I'm new to Minehut forums
  8. Not sure what happened, but yesterday my server, CopperGenz, randomly crashed after a player joined. I couldn't get back on, and the problem is still happening. Anybody know how to help? I put a lot of effort and time into this server and I would like it back :c I have tried: repairing the core files stopping and then starting the server (it wont let me restart the server)
  9. Like before, this was JUST FINE, until the fact that if you spam click it decides it doesn't want to work anymore. Well, that's what I thought. Turns out that it was the fact that you can place the player heads. I have a skript that prevents people from placing, and when it runs "cancel event", at the same time as "on right click with player head:", it just messes up the entire thing and gives the player the wrong amount of rocks. Someone please help because I have tried everything I know but nothing will work. on right click with player head: if {cooldown} isn't 1.5: if name of player's held item is "&bSuspicious Bag": give 5 stone buttons named "&8Rock" to the player remove 1 of player's held item from player on right click with player head: if {cooldown} isn't 1.5: set {cooldown} to 1.5 wait 1.5 seconds set {cooldown} to 0
  10. Oh my gosh your a life saver. I literally could not find anything or anyone that/who could tell me how to do this. Thankyou so much!!!
  11. So on my server I have this: on right click with player head: name of player's held item is "&bSuspicious Bag" give 5 stone buttons named "&8Rock" to the player remove 1 of player's held item from player stop This works exactly how I want it except for the fact that if people spam it, you dont get the number of rocks you should... Does anybody know how to fix this?
  12. not sure this is legal... Thanks tho!
  13. All i want is the ability to use an item with hidden attributes in script. Something like this: give player a stone axe with hidden attributes. Im just not sure how to do this...
  14. also just using /gamerule dofalldamage false works. And its completely vanilla
  15. I dont think that works but thanks!
  16. I need some help with skript. I'm still learning The first is this skript: every tick: loop all players: loop-player is wearing leather boots named "&eSpeedy Boots": apply speed without any particles to the loop-player else: remove speed from loop-player I have dyed leather boots (1 yellow 1 orange) that are named "Speedy Boots" that should apply speed when you wear them. This skrip works just fine, but the only problem is once I hide the attributes and hide the dye in the "ie editor", it stops applying speed. Anybody know how to fix this? The second is just that I'm not sure how to give someone an item with hidden attributes in skript. I know "give player a paper of unbreaking 1 with hidden enchants", but is there a way to do this with attributes? (I have skript and skellet by the way)
  17. Thanks! It worked! Not sure why, especially because it says no errors. But thanks for the fix!
  18. So I have this: on mine of oak leaves: if player doesn't have permission "mine.bypass": cancel drops wait 1 seconds set event-block's location to oak leaves but when you mine the oak leaves, nothing happens?
  19. can you make it so that when you right click a villager (with a specific name) then it sends a message. And then if you right click again then it sends the next? Until the last were it just repeats the final message?
  20. command /warp [<Text>]: permission: warp.market trigger: if %arg 1% is market: send "&aTeleporting..." wait 1 seconds teleport player to {marketwarp} command /setwarpm: permission: warp.market permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: set {marketwarp} to player's location send "&aMarket Location has been set to: &2%{spawn}%" to player
  21. command /warp [<Text>]: permission: warp.market trigger: if %arg 1% is market: send "&aTeleporting..." wait 1 seconds teleport player to {marketwarp} command /setwarpm: permission: warp.market permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command. trigger: set {marketwarp} to player's location send "&aMarket Location has been set to: &2%{spawn}%" to player
  22. i have a warp command to the market in my server: command /warp [<Text>]: permission: warp.market trigger: if %arg 1% is "market": send "&aTeleporting..." wait 1 seconds teleport player to {marketwarp} this doesnt work tho. How do i make it so that i can warp to multiple places with one command?
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